Pleasant House
Daniel Pleasant (G1, Romance, Top Slacker)
Mary-Sue Pleasant (G1, Fortune, Top 5 Businesses)
Lillith Pleasant (G1, Popularity, Top Military)
Last time in the Pleasant House: Mary-Sue went into business, buying up several establishments in Bluewater Village. Mortimer Goth and Angela Pleasant both questioned the source of funds used to purchase the businesses.
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Lillith is home from university. Daniel greets her by the door.
Daniel: Sweetheart, welcome home!

Lillith: Hi, Dad. How’s everything? Mom home?
Daniel: Your Mom’s out… as always. She’s at some business meeting I think.
Lillith: Hey… everything OK Dad? You sound a bit down.

Daniel: I’m just great, honey. Please forgive an old man for wondering why his wife is away from home so much.
Lillith: Oh, Dad. You know Mom loves her work. It’s not like you to worry about these things.
Daniel: You’re right. Forget I said anything. Come on, I have some champagne on ice. Let’s celebrate your graduation and homecoming!
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Mary-Sue is taking time out from her busy schedule to coach Lillith in the ways of the business world.

Lillith: Honestly, Mom, the sooner you give me some responsibility the better. I know all about income statements and balance sheets – I took a business course at Uni remember.
Mary-Sue: Darling, there’s a lot more to business than what they taught you at University. For example, you have to know your customer.
Lillith: Sure – I learnt all that stuff too. Come on, Mom, give me a chance.
Mary-Sue: *Continuing as if Lillith hadn’t spoken* You must also know your competitive environment. What are your strengths? What are your competitors’ weaknesses?
Lillith: Yeah, but if you just let me prove myself…

Mary-Sue: And most important of all, you must take all this knowledge and make the right move at the right time. In fact, business is like a game of chess.
Mary-Sue casually moves her queen into position.
Mary-Sue: Check mate.
Lillith looks down at the chess board in horror.

Lillith: What? How did you do that?
Mary-Sue: Never take your eye off the prize, darling. You still have much to learn.
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It is Lillith’s first day working in one of Mary-Sue’s businesses. Lillith is given a dull job restocking the shelves.

Lillith tires quickly of the mind-numbing and repetitive work. Nevertheless, she keeps her head down and works hard. She has learnt there’s no point arguing with her mother. By afternoon, Mary-Sue rewards Lillith by allowing her to serve some customers.
Lillith: You must try some of our organic produce – it’s grown locally using all natural farming methods.

Customer: Thank you but I already have all the groceries I need. I couldn’t possibly buy any more.
Lillith: Before you make up your mind, let me show you our tomatoes.
Customer: Goodness. These are fresh…
Lillith: And they’re only 2 simoleans each.

Customer: OK, I’ll take some!
Lillith is surprised by how easy selling is. Customers treat her with renewed respect when they discover she is Mary-Sue’s daughter. Indeed, some customers and staff almost seem to fear her. Initially, this unexpected deference bothers Lillith, but she soon learns to enjoy the power it brings her.
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Mary-Sue and Lillith come home from a long day in Bluewater Village.
Lillith: Mom, why won’t you let Dad work in the Company with us? He retired from the Athletics Club a long time ago. I can tell he’s bored sitting at home all day every day.

Mary-Sue smiles grimly. It is becoming more and more difficult to keep anything from her daughter. Besides, one day Lillith will run the Company on her own. Perhaps it is time she stopped protecting her daughter from the murkier aspects of the business.
Mary-Sue: Well, darling, your father isn’t cut out for business. He is… careless.
Lillith: Oh! You mean that time he was done for fraud.
Mary-Sue: Yes, he really shouldn’t have got caught. If only he hadn’t involved himself with that dreadful woman.
Lillith: Dreadful woman?

Mary-Sue: Bella Goth of course! Your father’s carelessness and lust for Bella nearly ruined all my plans.
Lillith: Your plans?
Mary-Sue: Oh stop repeating everything I say! Yes, my plans. You didn’t think the Athletics Club fraud was your father’s idea? He hasn’t got the brains to pull a scam like that.
Lillith: So it was all you..?
Mary-Sue: Listen, Lillith, you’ve been around the Company for a while now. Haven’t you ever wondered where all the extra money comes from? The businesses are doing well but not well enough to generate so much cash.
Lillith: Well… I have noticed various cash injections from our sponsors. I thought perhaps they might be silent partners or something.
Mary-Sue: Partners? PARTNERS! I’d never trust a partner. Getting your father involved was one of the worst decisions I ever made. He nearly ruined everything… or at least Bella Goth did. But wisely I had several financial interests that your father didn’t know about. Come on, I think it’s about time you learnt more about how the Company really operates.
Mary-Sue leads a confused but excited Lillith upstairs where she keeps her most secret accounts and correspondence hidden from prying eyes.
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Daniel Pleasant (G1, Romance, Top Slacker)
Mary-Sue Pleasant (G1, Fortune, Top 5 Businesses)
Lillith Pleasant (G1, Popularity, Top Military)
Last time in the Pleasant House: Mary-Sue went into business, buying up several establishments in Bluewater Village. Mortimer Goth and Angela Pleasant both questioned the source of funds used to purchase the businesses.
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Lillith is home from university. Daniel greets her by the door.
Daniel: Sweetheart, welcome home!

Lillith: Hi, Dad. How’s everything? Mom home?
Daniel: Your Mom’s out… as always. She’s at some business meeting I think.
Lillith: Hey… everything OK Dad? You sound a bit down.

Daniel: I’m just great, honey. Please forgive an old man for wondering why his wife is away from home so much.
Lillith: Oh, Dad. You know Mom loves her work. It’s not like you to worry about these things.
Daniel: You’re right. Forget I said anything. Come on, I have some champagne on ice. Let’s celebrate your graduation and homecoming!
----- *** -----
Mary-Sue is taking time out from her busy schedule to coach Lillith in the ways of the business world.

Lillith: Honestly, Mom, the sooner you give me some responsibility the better. I know all about income statements and balance sheets – I took a business course at Uni remember.
Mary-Sue: Darling, there’s a lot more to business than what they taught you at University. For example, you have to know your customer.
Lillith: Sure – I learnt all that stuff too. Come on, Mom, give me a chance.
Mary-Sue: *Continuing as if Lillith hadn’t spoken* You must also know your competitive environment. What are your strengths? What are your competitors’ weaknesses?
Lillith: Yeah, but if you just let me prove myself…

Mary-Sue: And most important of all, you must take all this knowledge and make the right move at the right time. In fact, business is like a game of chess.
Mary-Sue casually moves her queen into position.
Mary-Sue: Check mate.
Lillith looks down at the chess board in horror.

Lillith: What? How did you do that?
Mary-Sue: Never take your eye off the prize, darling. You still have much to learn.
----- *** -----
It is Lillith’s first day working in one of Mary-Sue’s businesses. Lillith is given a dull job restocking the shelves.

Lillith tires quickly of the mind-numbing and repetitive work. Nevertheless, she keeps her head down and works hard. She has learnt there’s no point arguing with her mother. By afternoon, Mary-Sue rewards Lillith by allowing her to serve some customers.
Lillith: You must try some of our organic produce – it’s grown locally using all natural farming methods.

Customer: Thank you but I already have all the groceries I need. I couldn’t possibly buy any more.
Lillith: Before you make up your mind, let me show you our tomatoes.
Customer: Goodness. These are fresh…
Lillith: And they’re only 2 simoleans each.

Customer: OK, I’ll take some!
Lillith is surprised by how easy selling is. Customers treat her with renewed respect when they discover she is Mary-Sue’s daughter. Indeed, some customers and staff almost seem to fear her. Initially, this unexpected deference bothers Lillith, but she soon learns to enjoy the power it brings her.
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Mary-Sue and Lillith come home from a long day in Bluewater Village.
Lillith: Mom, why won’t you let Dad work in the Company with us? He retired from the Athletics Club a long time ago. I can tell he’s bored sitting at home all day every day.

Mary-Sue smiles grimly. It is becoming more and more difficult to keep anything from her daughter. Besides, one day Lillith will run the Company on her own. Perhaps it is time she stopped protecting her daughter from the murkier aspects of the business.
Mary-Sue: Well, darling, your father isn’t cut out for business. He is… careless.
Lillith: Oh! You mean that time he was done for fraud.
Mary-Sue: Yes, he really shouldn’t have got caught. If only he hadn’t involved himself with that dreadful woman.
Lillith: Dreadful woman?

Mary-Sue: Bella Goth of course! Your father’s carelessness and lust for Bella nearly ruined all my plans.
Lillith: Your plans?
Mary-Sue: Oh stop repeating everything I say! Yes, my plans. You didn’t think the Athletics Club fraud was your father’s idea? He hasn’t got the brains to pull a scam like that.
Lillith: So it was all you..?
Mary-Sue: Listen, Lillith, you’ve been around the Company for a while now. Haven’t you ever wondered where all the extra money comes from? The businesses are doing well but not well enough to generate so much cash.
Lillith: Well… I have noticed various cash injections from our sponsors. I thought perhaps they might be silent partners or something.
Mary-Sue: Partners? PARTNERS! I’d never trust a partner. Getting your father involved was one of the worst decisions I ever made. He nearly ruined everything… or at least Bella Goth did. But wisely I had several financial interests that your father didn’t know about. Come on, I think it’s about time you learnt more about how the Company really operates.
Mary-Sue leads a confused but excited Lillith upstairs where she keeps her most secret accounts and correspondence hidden from prying eyes.
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Oooh, Can't wait to read more about the murkier aspects of the business!
It was her! It was her her her! LOL.
Ahhh---but how long is that step from financial skulduggery to murder? Just because she's a criminal, does that make her a murderer? Hmmm! The Plot Thickens!
Exactly how did Bella Goth almost ruin Mary-Sue's plans? I hope Lillith can handle "the murkier aspects of the business". I just don't think that goes as far as murder.
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