Goth House
Mortimer Goth (G1, Knowledge, Mad Scientist)
Alexander Goth (G1, Family, 6 Grandkids)
Angela Pleasant (G1, Popularity, Top Law)
Last time in the Goth House: Mortimer was home alone and showing signs of old age. Dina Caliente tried to speak with Mortimer about Bella’s death. Mortimer refused to talk.
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Alexander and Angela have just arrived home from University. They hesitate outside before entering the Goth Mansion.

Angela: Oh let’s wait a moment. I’m not quite ready.
Alexander: What? Are you scared of my Dad?
Angela: Well… maybe a little bit. What if he hates me? Your Dad has always had such strong views about everything and everyone in Pleasantview.

Alexander: Don’t be silly – of course he will like you. Besides, you’re the woman I’ve chosen to be my wife and that’s all that matters.
Angela embraces Alexander. Not for the first time, she thinks how lucky she is to have finally noticed Alexander. Beneath his dorky ways, he has a heart of gold.

Angela: I love you so much.
Alexander: Mmm… and I love you. Now come on inside, we can’t keep Dad waiting any longer.
Without waiting for an answer, Alexander smoothly picks up Angela and carries her over the threshold of her new home.

Mortimer is waiting in the hallway. He doesn’t look happy but Angela is prepared to do whatever it takes to charm the old man.
Angela: Mr Goth, please accept this small gift as a thank you for welcoming me into your home.

Mortimer: Uh… a gift? For me? Why thank you.
Mortimer is quite touched by Angela’s unexpected gesture. A tear wells up in the corner of his eye.
Mortimer: *In a faraway voice* It’s been a long time since I received a present. Bella used to buy me things. I remember once, she gave me a portrait of herself; it was painted by a local artist. Ah… Bella… why are you not here? What happened to you? Don… Don… what did you do?
Mortimer’s mind is clearly wandering and Alexander looks at his father in concern.

Alexander: Dad, are you OK? You know Mom died a long time ago.
The distant look disappears from Mortimer’s eyes and he jolts back to the present day.
Mortimer: Of course, I’m OK. Absolutely fine! Thank you, my dear, for this beautiful gift. I hope you and Alexander are as happy together as I was with my sweet Bella.

With these words, Mortimer shuffles out of the room.
----- *** -----
Alexander and Angela settle into their new life together. Angela wants to redecorate; she finds the Goth Mansion a little dark and gloomy. However, Alexander persuades her not to be hasty. He worries Mortimer will not take well to change. One afternoon, Angela is at work and Alexander seeks out his father.
Alexander: Hey, Dad, what are you up to?

Mortimer: Oh, this and that. Sorting out some old photographs.
Alexander: Can we talk?
Mortimer: What is it, son?
Alexander: I’m worried about you. I heard you shouting Mom’s name in your sleep and you seem to spend more and more time living in the past.

Mortimer sighs heavily and looks up at his son.
Mortimer: You’re right. I do think about the past a lot. I miss your mother and… I feel my own time drawing to a close.
Alexander: Oh, Dad. Perhaps you should see a doctor? At the very least he could give you something to help you sleep.
Mortimer: A doctor! I’ve never consulted a doctor in my life and I don’t intend to start now thank you very much.

Alexander: Okay, okay. But are you sure everything is all right? You also mentioned another name in your sleep… Don Lothario.
Mortimer eyes his son thoughtfully. How much should he tell him? He doesn’t like keeping secrets from Alexander and now he’s an adult…Mortimer reaches a decision.
Mortimer: You know I loved your mother very much, But she wasn’t always an easy woman to live with. She had several… relationships with men.
Alexander: I know what you’re saying, Dad, it’s OK. Cassandra and I have heard the rumours about Mom. But it doesn’t change anything. I know she loved us all just the same.
Mortimer: Yes, she did. I think that may have been one of the problems. Bella had too much room for love in her heart and when young Don Lothario entered our lives…
Mortimer looks so sad Alexander can’t bear to let him continue.
Alexander: It’s OK, Dad. I’m sorry I brought all this up. I know - how about a game of chess? It’ll be just like old times, except this time I’ll beat you!
----- *** -----
Angela has taken up gardening; she enjoys the time alone and having an excuse to escape outside. Mortimer’s increasingly crazy talk disturbs her and Angela often seeks out the peace and quiet of the greenhouse. One day she is working outside when she here’s a dog barking. Angela goes to investigate.

Angela: Hello handsome. Who are you?
Butters: Woof!

Butters is one of two new additions to the household. The other is Cartman, a lazy Labrador who likes nothing better than eating and sleeping.

Angela becomes quite attached to the two dogs and often finds herself sharing her problems with them. Butters is an especially good listener.
Angela: Now then Butters we’re going to get you nice and clean. You want to smell good for Cartman don’t you?
Butters: WOOF.

Angela: Come on, you can’t fool me. I’ve seen the way you two look at each other.
Butters: Woof. WOOF!
Angela: *Sighing* Your life is so simple, I envy you, Butters. Alex is pressing me to have a baby but I’m just not ready.
Butters: Woof.

Angela helps Butters out of the bath.
Angela: Hmmm… that’s an idea. Why don’t you and Cartman have puppies?! Perhaps a puppy or two will distract Alex from his own preoccupation with babies.
Butters shakes herself, covering Angela in a shower of water. It is difficult to judge whether she is pleased or upset by Angela’s suggestion.
----- *** -----
That evening, Cartman and Butters are playing outside.
Cartman: Woof! Mmm… You smell good.

Butters: Enough of your smooth talk. Now, catch me if you can!
Cartman and Butters chase each other round the garden for a while.
Cartman: Your bath took a long while today. What was Angela talking about?

Butters: Oh nothing much, just female talk.
Cartman: *Growling* Now don’t give me that - we quadrupeds stick together. So come on, spit it out.
Butters sidles up to Cartman and whispers in his ear. Cartman is a little shocked by what she says. Nevertheless, the next day…
Cartman: After you, my dear.
Butters: Oh, you’re such a gentlepup!

Cartman follows Butters into the kennel. The two cuddle up close and one thing leads to another….
Some time later.

Cartman: Shush! I think I can hear someone outside.
Butters: Oh no. D’you think a biped saw us?
Carttman: I think it’s the maid sim. I can hear her laughing.
Butters: Oh how embarrassing. I don’t think I can go outside.
Cartman: Come on gorgeous. Don’t be shy! We haven’t done anything the bipeds wouldn’t do. Hold your head up high and walk on out there.

With a little more encouragement, Butters steps gingerly out of the kennel. She pretends not to notice Kaylynn who is obviously greatly amused by something.

----- *** -----
It’s a lazy Sunday morning when Mortimer eventually passes away. Although he is expecting it, Alexander is devastated by the loss. He spends many hours mourning his father.

Mortimer Goth (G1, Knowledge, Mad Scientist)
Alexander Goth (G1, Family, 6 Grandkids)
Angela Pleasant (G1, Popularity, Top Law)
Last time in the Goth House: Mortimer was home alone and showing signs of old age. Dina Caliente tried to speak with Mortimer about Bella’s death. Mortimer refused to talk.
----- *** -----
Alexander and Angela have just arrived home from University. They hesitate outside before entering the Goth Mansion.

Angela: Oh let’s wait a moment. I’m not quite ready.
Alexander: What? Are you scared of my Dad?
Angela: Well… maybe a little bit. What if he hates me? Your Dad has always had such strong views about everything and everyone in Pleasantview.

Alexander: Don’t be silly – of course he will like you. Besides, you’re the woman I’ve chosen to be my wife and that’s all that matters.
Angela embraces Alexander. Not for the first time, she thinks how lucky she is to have finally noticed Alexander. Beneath his dorky ways, he has a heart of gold.

Angela: I love you so much.
Alexander: Mmm… and I love you. Now come on inside, we can’t keep Dad waiting any longer.
Without waiting for an answer, Alexander smoothly picks up Angela and carries her over the threshold of her new home.

Mortimer is waiting in the hallway. He doesn’t look happy but Angela is prepared to do whatever it takes to charm the old man.
Angela: Mr Goth, please accept this small gift as a thank you for welcoming me into your home.

Mortimer: Uh… a gift? For me? Why thank you.
Mortimer is quite touched by Angela’s unexpected gesture. A tear wells up in the corner of his eye.
Mortimer: *In a faraway voice* It’s been a long time since I received a present. Bella used to buy me things. I remember once, she gave me a portrait of herself; it was painted by a local artist. Ah… Bella… why are you not here? What happened to you? Don… Don… what did you do?
Mortimer’s mind is clearly wandering and Alexander looks at his father in concern.

Alexander: Dad, are you OK? You know Mom died a long time ago.
The distant look disappears from Mortimer’s eyes and he jolts back to the present day.
Mortimer: Of course, I’m OK. Absolutely fine! Thank you, my dear, for this beautiful gift. I hope you and Alexander are as happy together as I was with my sweet Bella.

With these words, Mortimer shuffles out of the room.
----- *** -----
Alexander and Angela settle into their new life together. Angela wants to redecorate; she finds the Goth Mansion a little dark and gloomy. However, Alexander persuades her not to be hasty. He worries Mortimer will not take well to change. One afternoon, Angela is at work and Alexander seeks out his father.
Alexander: Hey, Dad, what are you up to?

Mortimer: Oh, this and that. Sorting out some old photographs.
Alexander: Can we talk?
Mortimer: What is it, son?
Alexander: I’m worried about you. I heard you shouting Mom’s name in your sleep and you seem to spend more and more time living in the past.

Mortimer sighs heavily and looks up at his son.
Mortimer: You’re right. I do think about the past a lot. I miss your mother and… I feel my own time drawing to a close.
Alexander: Oh, Dad. Perhaps you should see a doctor? At the very least he could give you something to help you sleep.
Mortimer: A doctor! I’ve never consulted a doctor in my life and I don’t intend to start now thank you very much.

Alexander: Okay, okay. But are you sure everything is all right? You also mentioned another name in your sleep… Don Lothario.
Mortimer eyes his son thoughtfully. How much should he tell him? He doesn’t like keeping secrets from Alexander and now he’s an adult…Mortimer reaches a decision.
Mortimer: You know I loved your mother very much, But she wasn’t always an easy woman to live with. She had several… relationships with men.
Alexander: I know what you’re saying, Dad, it’s OK. Cassandra and I have heard the rumours about Mom. But it doesn’t change anything. I know she loved us all just the same.
Mortimer: Yes, she did. I think that may have been one of the problems. Bella had too much room for love in her heart and when young Don Lothario entered our lives…
Mortimer looks so sad Alexander can’t bear to let him continue.
Alexander: It’s OK, Dad. I’m sorry I brought all this up. I know - how about a game of chess? It’ll be just like old times, except this time I’ll beat you!
----- *** -----
Angela has taken up gardening; she enjoys the time alone and having an excuse to escape outside. Mortimer’s increasingly crazy talk disturbs her and Angela often seeks out the peace and quiet of the greenhouse. One day she is working outside when she here’s a dog barking. Angela goes to investigate.

Angela: Hello handsome. Who are you?
Butters: Woof!

Butters is one of two new additions to the household. The other is Cartman, a lazy Labrador who likes nothing better than eating and sleeping.

Angela becomes quite attached to the two dogs and often finds herself sharing her problems with them. Butters is an especially good listener.
Angela: Now then Butters we’re going to get you nice and clean. You want to smell good for Cartman don’t you?
Butters: WOOF.

Angela: Come on, you can’t fool me. I’ve seen the way you two look at each other.
Butters: Woof. WOOF!
Angela: *Sighing* Your life is so simple, I envy you, Butters. Alex is pressing me to have a baby but I’m just not ready.
Butters: Woof.

Angela helps Butters out of the bath.
Angela: Hmmm… that’s an idea. Why don’t you and Cartman have puppies?! Perhaps a puppy or two will distract Alex from his own preoccupation with babies.
Butters shakes herself, covering Angela in a shower of water. It is difficult to judge whether she is pleased or upset by Angela’s suggestion.
----- *** -----
That evening, Cartman and Butters are playing outside.
Cartman: Woof! Mmm… You smell good.

Butters: Enough of your smooth talk. Now, catch me if you can!
Cartman and Butters chase each other round the garden for a while.
Cartman: Your bath took a long while today. What was Angela talking about?

Butters: Oh nothing much, just female talk.
Cartman: *Growling* Now don’t give me that - we quadrupeds stick together. So come on, spit it out.
Butters sidles up to Cartman and whispers in his ear. Cartman is a little shocked by what she says. Nevertheless, the next day…
Cartman: After you, my dear.
Butters: Oh, you’re such a gentlepup!

Cartman follows Butters into the kennel. The two cuddle up close and one thing leads to another….
Some time later.

Cartman: Shush! I think I can hear someone outside.
Butters: Oh no. D’you think a biped saw us?
Carttman: I think it’s the maid sim. I can hear her laughing.
Butters: Oh how embarrassing. I don’t think I can go outside.
Cartman: Come on gorgeous. Don’t be shy! We haven’t done anything the bipeds wouldn’t do. Hold your head up high and walk on out there.

With a little more encouragement, Butters steps gingerly out of the kennel. She pretends not to notice Kaylynn who is obviously greatly amused by something.

----- *** -----
It’s a lazy Sunday morning when Mortimer eventually passes away. Although he is expecting it, Alexander is devastated by the loss. He spends many hours mourning his father.

But with Mortimer's passing, perhaps the residents of Pleasantview will now move on and forget the horrors of the past.
Here lies Moritmer Goth
Beloved Husband, Father and Grandfather.

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Aww, Morty's gone :(
But at least he lived a long and semi-happy life :)
Hooray for platinum urns!
Aww, I knew Morty's passing was coming too, but it's still sad.
Loved the dog dialog! :)
hehehe, love the canine chatter. Awww...well, it was Morty's time.
Poor Mortimer--he was the first sim to ever die in my game. But he wasn't doing so well--at least he had Alexander there to care for him.
"Gentlepup", indeed! Snicker....
Lol the dogs talking. hehehe loved it! And Mortimer passing. It is always hard when popular sims die.
Cartman and Butters, huh? Now that was funny. Bye Morty. It's a bit sad, but it was time for him to move into the afterlife. That's right Angela, fill the house with puppies so there's no room for babies! *snerk*
Mortimer...{sniffle} you shall be missed dear Morty...don't scare your son too much.
HAHA - is that what the animals are saying??
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