Alexander Goth (G1, Family, 6 Grandkids)
Lillith Pleasant (G1, Popularity, Top Military)
Angela Pleasant (G1, Popularity, Top Law)
Dirk Dreamer (G1, Finance, Top 5 Businesses)
Dustin Broke (G1, Finance, Top Criminal)
Sophie Miguel (G1, Finance, Top Medical)
----- *** -----
Lillith has rented a small house on the edge of campus. She has a grand plan and is wasting no time in putting it into action.
Lillith: Hello? Is that the Greek Office?.. Yes, my name is Lillith Pleasant and I would like to apply for a Charter… Yes… yes, of course… I’ll be right over and fill in the forms… Thank you. Bye-Bye.

Lillith replaces the receiver and starts humming merrily to herself.
----- *** -----
Angela is visiting her sister. She is the first person to pledge into Lillith’s new Greek House.
Lillith: I’m so excited you decided to pledge. We’re going to be the biggest Greek House on Campus.

Angela: Well… I’m not sure what help I will be. I quite like it in dorms and I don’t think I really belong in a Greek House.
Lillith: Don’t be silly sis. Of course you do! You like people don’t you? Just you wait and see – we’re going to be so popular. And imagine the parties we’ll have.
Angela looks sceptical. Her sister always has big ideas but Angela prefers a quieter life. She has never felt as attractive or interesting as her twin. Lillith notices Angela’s hesitation and appraises her sister thoughtfully.
Lillith: You know what you need? A new look. You’ve had the same hairstyle for 10 years now. Come on, come with me.

Lillith grabs Angela’s hand and drags her inside. After several hours with her styling scissors and makeup bag, Lillith is ready to reveal the new Angela Pleasant.
Lillith: Dada! What d’you think?
Angela stands stock still. She barely recognises herself and isn’t altogether comfortable with her new style.

Lillith: Come on, Sis. Don’t you love it?
Angela peers closely at her make-up and shorter hair. After some time, she smiles shyly at her image.

Angela: Y…yes. At least, I think I do. Oh, Lillith, it’s going to take some getting used to. But yes… yes I like it!
Angela hugs her sister and Lillith breathes a sigh of relief. For a moment there, she thought her sister was going to let her down.

----- *** -----
The Greek House membership is growing fast. The Pleasants pledge all their friends from Pleasantview and Dustin is a regular visitor.

Angela: Mmm… this is nice. Why don’t you move in? Let’s face it – you practically live here and it would save you from shuttling between here and dorms all the time.
Dustin: Oh, I don’t know, Ange. Dorms are fun. Dirk and I like it there.

Angela: I was asking you, not Dirk Dreamer… Though, Dirk would also be welcome, of course.
Dustin: Yeah, I know. Let me think about it. Now, come here and give me a kiss.

----- *** -----
Alexander Goth lives in dorms with Dustin Broke and Dirk Dreamer. He doesn’t really fit in and is conscious of his looks and awkward mannerisms. So, he is taken aback when Angela Pleasant asks him to pledge into their Greek House.

Alexander: You… you want me to pledge?
Angela: ‘Course we do. Come on Alex, you’re the only Pleasantview Sim not to join up. We need you!

Alexander: Uh… well, if you’re sure.
Alexander is flattered by the attention. He’s never been part of the in crowd and the Pleasant twins are so popular he didn’t expect them to take any notice of him. Not for the first time, he notices how Angela has changed since coming to Sim State. At high school, he’d had a crush on Angela – she had been more approachable than Lillith and had always been kind to him. But now there’s something different about her – she seems more sure of herself. This makes her even more appealing in Alexander’s eyes.
Angela: Hey, I hear you won the State Chess Championship. Congratulations!
Alexander: Oh, it was nothing really. Just a few geeks and a chess board.
Angela: It’s not nothing. In fact, I play a little chess myself. Maybe you could give me some tips.
Alexander: *Incredulous* Y… you play chess?

Angela: Yeah – Lillith and I learnt at home. I used to beat her all the time – it made her so mad! But I don’t play much now.
Angela and Alexander talk about chess for a while and then move onto other topics. Alexander begins to relax – he discovers he has more in common with Angela Pleasant than he expected. When it’s time for Angela to leave, he feels a pang of disappointment.
Angela: So, you’ll come by the house tomorrow and meet the other pledges?
Alexander: Er… sure. I’ll see you then.
Angela: Great. Bye!

Alexander watches Angela leave; his eyes linger on her rear view until she’s no more than a dot on the landscape.
----- *** -----
It’s the final semester and Dustin Broke is still living in dorms. Most of his Pleasantview friends have moved into the Greek House. Only Alexander Goth and Dustin remain in dorms. One day, Dustin notices a new girl. She looks vaguely familiar but he can’t quite place her face. He is surprised when he sees Alexander Goth talking familiarly with the girl.

Alexander: Hey, Bella, I thought you started next semester!
Bella: Hey, Uncle Alex, it’s good to see you. I came up early to look round and find somewhere to live. D’you mind showing me round? Or will that be a bit weird? You know – having your niece hanging around. I don’t want to cramp your style or anything!

Alexander: Hmph! Looking like that, I don’t think you’re going to cramp my style. Come on - let’s get you a room sorted first.
So this is Bella Goth. Dustin remembers Bella as a little girl but can’t equate this beautiful young woman with the girl he knows only as Alexander’s niece. It doesn’t take long for Dustin to arrange an introduction to Bella.
Dustin: Hi, Bella. I’m Dustin. I don’t know if you remember me but I come from Pleasantview as well.

Bella: Sure I remember you. It’s nice to see you, Dustin.
Dustin: You’re new round here, right? How about we grab something to eat and I’ll tell you all about the best places to hang out on campus?

Dustin doesn’t wait for an answer and confidently draws Bella towards the cafeteria. He wants to prolong this conversation as long as he can.
Dustin: So have you chosen you major yet?

Bella: No, not yet. I’m thinking about Economics. I’m interested in business and finance you see.
Dustin’s eyes light up. He doesn’t know any girls who share his love of finance, except Sophie Miguel of course. But Sophie is Dirk’s girl and he’d never steal a girl from his best mate. Dustin and Bella spend a happy hour talking about finance and their dreams for the future. By the time Dustin has to leave for class he has forgotten all about Angela Pleasant. All he can think about is Bella Goth.

----- *** -----
The next day, Dustin seeks out his friend, Dirk Dreamer. His mind is in turmoil and he needs to confide in someone.
Dirk: Hey, dude. Wassup?

Dustin wastes no time in getting to the point.
Dustin: I’m not sure – I think I’m in love.

Dirk: *Rolling his eyes* Yeah, yeah. You and Angela have been together forever. What’s new?
Dustin: No… I don’t mean Angela.
Dirk raises his eyebrow. He examines his friend closely to see if he is joking.
Dirk: OK. Go on.
Dustin: Actually, it’s your step sister.
Dirk: My what?! My step sister..? Oh my god – you mean Bella?!

Dustin: Yeah, I mean Bella. Have you seen her recently? She’s gorgeous. That body…
Dirk: *Interrupting* Whoa... steady on, dude. This is my step sister you’re talking about. I’d rather not think of Bella in those terms. Her Mom is married to my Dad remember.
Dustin: Yeah, sorry, man. But I just can’t stop thinking about her.

Dirk: So you think this might be serious? What about you and Angela?
Dustin sighs miserably. He has no clue whether it’s serious nor what to do about Angela. He and Angela Pleasant have been together since middle school. Dustin has never contemplated dating other girls. Until now that is.
----- *** -----
Later that very same day, Alexander Goth seeks out Dirk.
Alexander: Er… Dirk… you got a moment?

Dirk: Sure.
Alexander: I… can we go somewhere private?
Dirk nods wondering what it is with his friends today. First Dustin and now Alexander is looking all worked up about something. The two find a quiet corner and Dirk looks expectantly at Alexander.
Dirk: So – wassup?
Alexander: Well, I met a girl.

Dirk grins and slaps Alexander on the back.

Dirk: Hey, that’s great news. And about time too if you don’t mind me saying.
Alexander: Yeah – but it isn’t so simple. I’m not sure she likes me and… she’s sort of seeing someone else.
Dirk: Okay… go on.
Alexander looks nervous and then blurts out.
Alexander: It’s Angela Pleasant!
Dirk is stunned. If Alexander had told him this yesterday he would have advised him to forget all about Angela. But maybe this could work out for everyone. Dirk thinks a moment – he weighs up the pros and cons and then makes a swift decision.
Dirk: D’you know what? I think I can help you out. Let’s see…
Dirk stands back trying to view Alexander through a girl’s eyes. Dirk has never had much trouble attracting the fairer sex and he has a good idea what a girl likes.
Dirk: Hmm… this could be tricky. Maybe some new glasses… and that hair - it has to go…

Alexander: Er… Dirk, why’re you looking at me like that. You’re creeping me out.
Dirk: Listen – d’you want to get together with Angela Pleasant?
Alexander: Yeah, sure, but…
Dirk: Then trust me.
Dirk steers Alexander towards his room, simultaneously dialling Sophie Miguel, his girlfriend. He’s going to need some female assistance if he wants to perform this miracle.
----- *** -----
Three hours later, Alexander is studying himself in the mirror.

Dirk: Well, speak up dude. What d’you think?
Alexander slowly turns round to face Dirk; a broad grin stretches across his face.
Alexander: I love it – I feel like a new man!

Dirk: Ha, you’ll be having the girls flocking to you in no time. Just you remember the Dreamer code. Keep it warm but not too familiar. Pay her a compliment and then back off a little. Treat her like a queen and behave like a gentleman. By the end of your date she’ll be longing for more!
Alexander is a little overwhelmed by this puzzling advice. Girls are a mystery to him and he’s not at all confident he can carry it off. But he’s going to give it a dammed good try.
----- *** -----
The last semester draws to a close. A lot has happened in the lives of Pleasantview’s young sims. Relationships have ended and new ones formed in their place.

They arrived a group of teens impatient to party and have some fun, they leave as confident young adults excited about the future.
Lillith Pleasant, once a sullen and rebellious teenager, is now a bright and popular student. Her sister, Angela, has grown in confidence and learnt to make her own decisions without always deferring to her family’s wishes. Alexander Goth has evolved from shy, quiet geek into outgoing and popular geek. Dustin Broke has finally discovered the meaning of true love in the shape of Bella Goth. But it is Dirk who is the first to make his feelings known when he surprises Sophie (and himself) by proposing marriage.

Alexander is next and he chooses a more romantic setting for the big question.

Finally, Dustin makes his move. He knows Bella has three more years in school and so his proposal is a private affair. He is also concerned about telling his mother – everyone knows Brandi is not fond of the name Bella Goth. On his last day at University, Dustin asks Bella to marry him and promises to wait until she graduates in three years time.
The only Pleasantview sim not to find love at University is Lillith Pleasant. However, Lillith is perfectly happy with this situation. She has other plans for the future.

Lillith: Hi Mom… Yeah… I’ll be home on Saturday… Nah, I haven’t told Angela yet but don’t worry, she’ll be cool… No, she’s moving in with Alexander, they want to get married as soon as possible… Yeah, well that’s Angela for you and at least she’s happy… Anyway, I have some great business ideas… But Mom – you said I would be taking over the Family Business… Uh huh… OK, we’ll talk when I get back… OK, bye, Mom.
----- *** -----
Alexander Goth (G1, Family, 6 Grandkids)
Lillith Pleasant (G1, Popularity, Top Military)
Angela Pleasant (G1, Popularity, Top Law)
Dirk Dreamer (G1, Finance, Top 5 Businesses)
Dustin Broke (G1, Finance, Top Criminal)
Sophie Miguel (G1, Finance, Top Medical)
----- *** -----
Lillith has rented a small house on the edge of campus. She has a grand plan and is wasting no time in putting it into action.
Lillith: Hello? Is that the Greek Office?.. Yes, my name is Lillith Pleasant and I would like to apply for a Charter… Yes… yes, of course… I’ll be right over and fill in the forms… Thank you. Bye-Bye.

Lillith replaces the receiver and starts humming merrily to herself.
----- *** -----
Angela is visiting her sister. She is the first person to pledge into Lillith’s new Greek House.
Lillith: I’m so excited you decided to pledge. We’re going to be the biggest Greek House on Campus.

Angela: Well… I’m not sure what help I will be. I quite like it in dorms and I don’t think I really belong in a Greek House.
Lillith: Don’t be silly sis. Of course you do! You like people don’t you? Just you wait and see – we’re going to be so popular. And imagine the parties we’ll have.
Angela looks sceptical. Her sister always has big ideas but Angela prefers a quieter life. She has never felt as attractive or interesting as her twin. Lillith notices Angela’s hesitation and appraises her sister thoughtfully.
Lillith: You know what you need? A new look. You’ve had the same hairstyle for 10 years now. Come on, come with me.

Lillith grabs Angela’s hand and drags her inside. After several hours with her styling scissors and makeup bag, Lillith is ready to reveal the new Angela Pleasant.
Lillith: Dada! What d’you think?
Angela stands stock still. She barely recognises herself and isn’t altogether comfortable with her new style.

Lillith: Come on, Sis. Don’t you love it?
Angela peers closely at her make-up and shorter hair. After some time, she smiles shyly at her image.

Angela: Y…yes. At least, I think I do. Oh, Lillith, it’s going to take some getting used to. But yes… yes I like it!
Angela hugs her sister and Lillith breathes a sigh of relief. For a moment there, she thought her sister was going to let her down.

----- *** -----
The Greek House membership is growing fast. The Pleasants pledge all their friends from Pleasantview and Dustin is a regular visitor.

Angela: Mmm… this is nice. Why don’t you move in? Let’s face it – you practically live here and it would save you from shuttling between here and dorms all the time.
Dustin: Oh, I don’t know, Ange. Dorms are fun. Dirk and I like it there.

Angela: I was asking you, not Dirk Dreamer… Though, Dirk would also be welcome, of course.
Dustin: Yeah, I know. Let me think about it. Now, come here and give me a kiss.

----- *** -----
Alexander Goth lives in dorms with Dustin Broke and Dirk Dreamer. He doesn’t really fit in and is conscious of his looks and awkward mannerisms. So, he is taken aback when Angela Pleasant asks him to pledge into their Greek House.

Alexander: You… you want me to pledge?
Angela: ‘Course we do. Come on Alex, you’re the only Pleasantview Sim not to join up. We need you!

Alexander: Uh… well, if you’re sure.
Alexander is flattered by the attention. He’s never been part of the in crowd and the Pleasant twins are so popular he didn’t expect them to take any notice of him. Not for the first time, he notices how Angela has changed since coming to Sim State. At high school, he’d had a crush on Angela – she had been more approachable than Lillith and had always been kind to him. But now there’s something different about her – she seems more sure of herself. This makes her even more appealing in Alexander’s eyes.
Angela: Hey, I hear you won the State Chess Championship. Congratulations!
Alexander: Oh, it was nothing really. Just a few geeks and a chess board.
Angela: It’s not nothing. In fact, I play a little chess myself. Maybe you could give me some tips.
Alexander: *Incredulous* Y… you play chess?

Angela: Yeah – Lillith and I learnt at home. I used to beat her all the time – it made her so mad! But I don’t play much now.
Angela and Alexander talk about chess for a while and then move onto other topics. Alexander begins to relax – he discovers he has more in common with Angela Pleasant than he expected. When it’s time for Angela to leave, he feels a pang of disappointment.
Angela: So, you’ll come by the house tomorrow and meet the other pledges?
Alexander: Er… sure. I’ll see you then.
Angela: Great. Bye!

Alexander watches Angela leave; his eyes linger on her rear view until she’s no more than a dot on the landscape.
----- *** -----
It’s the final semester and Dustin Broke is still living in dorms. Most of his Pleasantview friends have moved into the Greek House. Only Alexander Goth and Dustin remain in dorms. One day, Dustin notices a new girl. She looks vaguely familiar but he can’t quite place her face. He is surprised when he sees Alexander Goth talking familiarly with the girl.

Alexander: Hey, Bella, I thought you started next semester!
Bella: Hey, Uncle Alex, it’s good to see you. I came up early to look round and find somewhere to live. D’you mind showing me round? Or will that be a bit weird? You know – having your niece hanging around. I don’t want to cramp your style or anything!

Alexander: Hmph! Looking like that, I don’t think you’re going to cramp my style. Come on - let’s get you a room sorted first.
So this is Bella Goth. Dustin remembers Bella as a little girl but can’t equate this beautiful young woman with the girl he knows only as Alexander’s niece. It doesn’t take long for Dustin to arrange an introduction to Bella.
Dustin: Hi, Bella. I’m Dustin. I don’t know if you remember me but I come from Pleasantview as well.

Bella: Sure I remember you. It’s nice to see you, Dustin.
Dustin: You’re new round here, right? How about we grab something to eat and I’ll tell you all about the best places to hang out on campus?

Dustin doesn’t wait for an answer and confidently draws Bella towards the cafeteria. He wants to prolong this conversation as long as he can.
Dustin: So have you chosen you major yet?

Bella: No, not yet. I’m thinking about Economics. I’m interested in business and finance you see.
Dustin’s eyes light up. He doesn’t know any girls who share his love of finance, except Sophie Miguel of course. But Sophie is Dirk’s girl and he’d never steal a girl from his best mate. Dustin and Bella spend a happy hour talking about finance and their dreams for the future. By the time Dustin has to leave for class he has forgotten all about Angela Pleasant. All he can think about is Bella Goth.

----- *** -----
The next day, Dustin seeks out his friend, Dirk Dreamer. His mind is in turmoil and he needs to confide in someone.
Dirk: Hey, dude. Wassup?

Dustin wastes no time in getting to the point.
Dustin: I’m not sure – I think I’m in love.

Dirk: *Rolling his eyes* Yeah, yeah. You and Angela have been together forever. What’s new?
Dustin: No… I don’t mean Angela.
Dirk raises his eyebrow. He examines his friend closely to see if he is joking.
Dirk: OK. Go on.
Dustin: Actually, it’s your step sister.
Dirk: My what?! My step sister..? Oh my god – you mean Bella?!

Dustin: Yeah, I mean Bella. Have you seen her recently? She’s gorgeous. That body…
Dirk: *Interrupting* Whoa... steady on, dude. This is my step sister you’re talking about. I’d rather not think of Bella in those terms. Her Mom is married to my Dad remember.
Dustin: Yeah, sorry, man. But I just can’t stop thinking about her.

Dirk: So you think this might be serious? What about you and Angela?
Dustin sighs miserably. He has no clue whether it’s serious nor what to do about Angela. He and Angela Pleasant have been together since middle school. Dustin has never contemplated dating other girls. Until now that is.
----- *** -----
Later that very same day, Alexander Goth seeks out Dirk.
Alexander: Er… Dirk… you got a moment?

Dirk: Sure.
Alexander: I… can we go somewhere private?
Dirk nods wondering what it is with his friends today. First Dustin and now Alexander is looking all worked up about something. The two find a quiet corner and Dirk looks expectantly at Alexander.
Dirk: So – wassup?
Alexander: Well, I met a girl.

Dirk grins and slaps Alexander on the back.

Dirk: Hey, that’s great news. And about time too if you don’t mind me saying.
Alexander: Yeah – but it isn’t so simple. I’m not sure she likes me and… she’s sort of seeing someone else.
Dirk: Okay… go on.
Alexander looks nervous and then blurts out.
Alexander: It’s Angela Pleasant!
Dirk is stunned. If Alexander had told him this yesterday he would have advised him to forget all about Angela. But maybe this could work out for everyone. Dirk thinks a moment – he weighs up the pros and cons and then makes a swift decision.
Dirk: D’you know what? I think I can help you out. Let’s see…
Dirk stands back trying to view Alexander through a girl’s eyes. Dirk has never had much trouble attracting the fairer sex and he has a good idea what a girl likes.
Dirk: Hmm… this could be tricky. Maybe some new glasses… and that hair - it has to go…

Alexander: Er… Dirk, why’re you looking at me like that. You’re creeping me out.
Dirk: Listen – d’you want to get together with Angela Pleasant?
Alexander: Yeah, sure, but…
Dirk: Then trust me.
Dirk steers Alexander towards his room, simultaneously dialling Sophie Miguel, his girlfriend. He’s going to need some female assistance if he wants to perform this miracle.
----- *** -----
Three hours later, Alexander is studying himself in the mirror.

Dirk: Well, speak up dude. What d’you think?
Alexander slowly turns round to face Dirk; a broad grin stretches across his face.
Alexander: I love it – I feel like a new man!

Dirk: Ha, you’ll be having the girls flocking to you in no time. Just you remember the Dreamer code. Keep it warm but not too familiar. Pay her a compliment and then back off a little. Treat her like a queen and behave like a gentleman. By the end of your date she’ll be longing for more!
Alexander is a little overwhelmed by this puzzling advice. Girls are a mystery to him and he’s not at all confident he can carry it off. But he’s going to give it a dammed good try.
----- *** -----
The last semester draws to a close. A lot has happened in the lives of Pleasantview’s young sims. Relationships have ended and new ones formed in their place.

They arrived a group of teens impatient to party and have some fun, they leave as confident young adults excited about the future.
Lillith Pleasant, once a sullen and rebellious teenager, is now a bright and popular student. Her sister, Angela, has grown in confidence and learnt to make her own decisions without always deferring to her family’s wishes. Alexander Goth has evolved from shy, quiet geek into outgoing and popular geek. Dustin Broke has finally discovered the meaning of true love in the shape of Bella Goth. But it is Dirk who is the first to make his feelings known when he surprises Sophie (and himself) by proposing marriage.

Alexander is next and he chooses a more romantic setting for the big question.

Finally, Dustin makes his move. He knows Bella has three more years in school and so his proposal is a private affair. He is also concerned about telling his mother – everyone knows Brandi is not fond of the name Bella Goth. On his last day at University, Dustin asks Bella to marry him and promises to wait until she graduates in three years time.
The only Pleasantview sim not to find love at University is Lillith Pleasant. However, Lillith is perfectly happy with this situation. She has other plans for the future.

Lillith: Hi Mom… Yeah… I’ll be home on Saturday… Nah, I haven’t told Angela yet but don’t worry, she’ll be cool… No, she’s moving in with Alexander, they want to get married as soon as possible… Yeah, well that’s Angela for you and at least she’s happy… Anyway, I have some great business ideas… But Mom – you said I would be taking over the Family Business… Uh huh… OK, we’ll talk when I get back… OK, bye, Mom.
----- *** -----
Contents Next
Quite an update. Well done! I loved the way you wrapped it up at the end with all of the proposals. And look at Alexander! He's actually kind of cool now.
Very nice. Should be interesting to see how Brandi reacts to her new daughter-in-law-to-be.
Hmmm, very neat and nicely packaged. It was a little like a dance--everybody switch partners! I, too, wonder what Brandi's going to think about being Bella's mother-in-law!
thats some interesting pairings. not sure how i feel about dustin and bella - though at least they will be much closer in age now since bella came to uni early.
Ah sim love. My favorite part of the game. lol Great makeovers!
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