Caliente House
Dina Caliente (G1, Fortune, Top Criminal)
Bill Caliente (G1, Fortune, Top Criminal)
Leo Caliente (G2)
Last time in the Caliente House: Dina and Bill discussed their criminal activities and connections with Mary-Sue Pleasant. Dina told Brandi about her suspicions of Don Lothario and then called the police.
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Dina has joined the police force. Bill is shocked by this sudden and extreme career change. So he confronts his wife about her decision to exchange a life of crime for a uniform.
Bill: But I don’t understand, Dina, why the police force?

Dina: Come on, Bill. You know I wanted to leave the crime world. Now Leo is growing up, he may begin to suspect something. I don’t want him to be ashamed of his parents.
Bill: But the police force! I don’t know, Dina, it’s bad for business. Mary-Sue doesn’t want to deal with me any more and most of my old contacts are avoiding me.
Dina: Well why don’t you get out? I’m sure I could get you a position in the Force.
Bill shudders. Although he understands his wife’s desire to distance herself from the criminal world he knows life isn’t so simple. You can’t be a criminal mastermind one day and a police officer the next. There are repercussions and he’s scared he may have to pay for his wife’s change of career. But Bill keeps his misgivings to himself and decides to play for time. He stands up to leave.

Bill: I’m not sure, love. Let me think on it a while.
----- *** -----
The Caliente family are enjoying a lunch of grilled cheese sandwiches.

Leo: Mom? Dad?
Bill and Dina both look up and smile indulgently at their only son.

Leo: Who was Bella Goth?
Dina chokes on her sandwich and looks sharply at Leo. Bill quickly answers for the two of them.
Bill: Bella? She was Mortimer Goth’s wife. Why do you ask?
Leo: I saw her name in the paper this morning next to a picture of Uncle Don.
Bill notices his wife has turned an interesting shade of green. He doesn’t want to pursue this discussion in front of Leo and so he swiftly changes the conversation.

As soon as Leo leaves the table, Dina hunts for the newspaper and hastily scans the front page story. Dina groans and turns to Bill with anguished eyes.
Dina: They’ve arrested Don Lothario for the murder of Bella.
Bill: Let’s see… It says here new evidence has come to light. I wonder what that can be? Oh Dina, I’m sorry. I know you and Nina have been distant for a long time but this must be quite a shock.
Dina: There’s more to it then that. You see, I…

Dina hesitates; she has been longing to confide in Bill but is unsure how he will react. Criminals have a special code of honour and she knows Bill values loyalty above all else.
Bill: Yes, go on.
Dina: The thing is… I think I may be responsible for Don’s arrest.
Dina watches Bill anxiously and is relieved when he sighs and then reaches out to hold her hands. It is a comforting gesture and Dina knows Bill will stand by her.
Bill: I think you better tell me everything.
----- *** -----
Leo is unaware of his parents’ concerns and skips through life with few cares of his own. He is popular at school; his status is no doubt helped by his star position on the football team. Bill and Dina are delighted when Leo smoothly transitions into a well adjusted teen.

Dina and Bill: Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Leo, Happy Birthday to you.
Leo: Thanks Mom, thanks Dad.

Bill: Congratulations, son. And what do you want in life?
Leo: I dunno really. Maybe I’ll run a few businesses one day. But for now I just wanna hang out with my friends and maybe get to know some more people.
Leo flexes his muscles and grins up at his parents.

Leo: Now I got that football scholarship, I can go to Uni. Right?
Dina: Of course you can, Leo. I’m so proud of you. Nobody in the Caliente family has ever gone to Uni.
Dina hugs Leo fiercely. Leo is a bit disconcerted by his mother’s excessive emotion and gently extricates himself from her grasp. He loves his parents but sometimes things can get a bit intense at home. He will be glad to escape to University for a while.
----- *** -----
Now that Leo is a teenager he starts to notice the opposite sex. The girls in his high school are delighted; many of them have their eye on the hunky football star and they compete for his attention. One pretty, young cheerleader is the first to win a date with Leo.

Rebecca: Ah, Leo, this has been the best date. Can we do it again some time?
Leo: Sure, it was fun.
Rebecca: Maybe we could go out to the movies or something. I mean I love staying in and watching football with you but it would be nice to go out somewhere.
Leo: Oh, right, yeah. Movies… Let’s do that.

Rebecca: So, how about this Saturday?
Leo: Er… I have football practice on Saturday.
Rebecca: I know that silly. I meant after football practice.

Leo: Well… Usually the boys hang out afterwards and you know…
Rebecca is feeling a bit exasperated. She is used to boys needing some encouragement but Leo really is hard work. She pulls Leo close and presses her body against his.

Rebecca: So, I’ll meet you after football practice then?
Leo: Mmm… OK.
Rebecca smiles triumphantly and seals the agreement with a kiss.
Rebecca: Great, see you then. Bye Leo!
----- *** -----
The phone is ringing. Its incessant sound is irritating and since everyone else is out Dina answers.

Dina: Hello… Oh, hi Nina… No, I don’t want to talk about this with you… What did you say?.. It’s OK? Wh…what d’you mean?... The police have let Don go?!.. Well, of course it’s great news… Er, yes, I’m happy for you… You want to forget our differences?... I’m sorry I sound a bit weird. I’m just a bit confused. So much has happened recently… Yes, I miss you too… Coffee? OK, then. I’ll see you tomorrow… Bye, Nina.
Dina replaces the receiver in a daze. Why have the police released Don Lothario? And what is she going to say to her sister?
----- *** -----
Dina Caliente (G1, Fortune, Top Criminal)
Bill Caliente (G1, Fortune, Top Criminal)
Leo Caliente (G2)
Last time in the Caliente House: Dina and Bill discussed their criminal activities and connections with Mary-Sue Pleasant. Dina told Brandi about her suspicions of Don Lothario and then called the police.
----- *** -----
Dina has joined the police force. Bill is shocked by this sudden and extreme career change. So he confronts his wife about her decision to exchange a life of crime for a uniform.
Bill: But I don’t understand, Dina, why the police force?

Dina: Come on, Bill. You know I wanted to leave the crime world. Now Leo is growing up, he may begin to suspect something. I don’t want him to be ashamed of his parents.
Bill: But the police force! I don’t know, Dina, it’s bad for business. Mary-Sue doesn’t want to deal with me any more and most of my old contacts are avoiding me.
Dina: Well why don’t you get out? I’m sure I could get you a position in the Force.
Bill shudders. Although he understands his wife’s desire to distance herself from the criminal world he knows life isn’t so simple. You can’t be a criminal mastermind one day and a police officer the next. There are repercussions and he’s scared he may have to pay for his wife’s change of career. But Bill keeps his misgivings to himself and decides to play for time. He stands up to leave.

Bill: I’m not sure, love. Let me think on it a while.
----- *** -----
The Caliente family are enjoying a lunch of grilled cheese sandwiches.

Leo: Mom? Dad?
Bill and Dina both look up and smile indulgently at their only son.

Leo: Who was Bella Goth?
Dina chokes on her sandwich and looks sharply at Leo. Bill quickly answers for the two of them.
Bill: Bella? She was Mortimer Goth’s wife. Why do you ask?
Leo: I saw her name in the paper this morning next to a picture of Uncle Don.
Bill notices his wife has turned an interesting shade of green. He doesn’t want to pursue this discussion in front of Leo and so he swiftly changes the conversation.

As soon as Leo leaves the table, Dina hunts for the newspaper and hastily scans the front page story. Dina groans and turns to Bill with anguished eyes.
Dina: They’ve arrested Don Lothario for the murder of Bella.
Bill: Let’s see… It says here new evidence has come to light. I wonder what that can be? Oh Dina, I’m sorry. I know you and Nina have been distant for a long time but this must be quite a shock.
Dina: There’s more to it then that. You see, I…

Dina hesitates; she has been longing to confide in Bill but is unsure how he will react. Criminals have a special code of honour and she knows Bill values loyalty above all else.
Bill: Yes, go on.
Dina: The thing is… I think I may be responsible for Don’s arrest.
Dina watches Bill anxiously and is relieved when he sighs and then reaches out to hold her hands. It is a comforting gesture and Dina knows Bill will stand by her.
Bill: I think you better tell me everything.
----- *** -----
Leo is unaware of his parents’ concerns and skips through life with few cares of his own. He is popular at school; his status is no doubt helped by his star position on the football team. Bill and Dina are delighted when Leo smoothly transitions into a well adjusted teen.

Dina and Bill: Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Leo, Happy Birthday to you.
Leo: Thanks Mom, thanks Dad.

Bill: Congratulations, son. And what do you want in life?
Leo: I dunno really. Maybe I’ll run a few businesses one day. But for now I just wanna hang out with my friends and maybe get to know some more people.
Leo flexes his muscles and grins up at his parents.

Leo: Now I got that football scholarship, I can go to Uni. Right?
Dina: Of course you can, Leo. I’m so proud of you. Nobody in the Caliente family has ever gone to Uni.
Dina hugs Leo fiercely. Leo is a bit disconcerted by his mother’s excessive emotion and gently extricates himself from her grasp. He loves his parents but sometimes things can get a bit intense at home. He will be glad to escape to University for a while.
----- *** -----
Now that Leo is a teenager he starts to notice the opposite sex. The girls in his high school are delighted; many of them have their eye on the hunky football star and they compete for his attention. One pretty, young cheerleader is the first to win a date with Leo.

Rebecca: Ah, Leo, this has been the best date. Can we do it again some time?
Leo: Sure, it was fun.
Rebecca: Maybe we could go out to the movies or something. I mean I love staying in and watching football with you but it would be nice to go out somewhere.
Leo: Oh, right, yeah. Movies… Let’s do that.

Rebecca: So, how about this Saturday?
Leo: Er… I have football practice on Saturday.
Rebecca: I know that silly. I meant after football practice.

Leo: Well… Usually the boys hang out afterwards and you know…
Rebecca is feeling a bit exasperated. She is used to boys needing some encouragement but Leo really is hard work. She pulls Leo close and presses her body against his.

Rebecca: So, I’ll meet you after football practice then?
Leo: Mmm… OK.
Rebecca smiles triumphantly and seals the agreement with a kiss.
Rebecca: Great, see you then. Bye Leo!
----- *** -----
The phone is ringing. Its incessant sound is irritating and since everyone else is out Dina answers.

Dina: Hello… Oh, hi Nina… No, I don’t want to talk about this with you… What did you say?.. It’s OK? Wh…what d’you mean?... The police have let Don go?!.. Well, of course it’s great news… Er, yes, I’m happy for you… You want to forget our differences?... I’m sorry I sound a bit weird. I’m just a bit confused. So much has happened recently… Yes, I miss you too… Coffee? OK, then. I’ll see you tomorrow… Bye, Nina.
Dina replaces the receiver in a daze. Why have the police released Don Lothario? And what is she going to say to her sister?
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Contents Next
Say nothing. Of course. Nina's probably already suspicious though. When Leo goes to college, will Dina switch back to criminal? Leo is cute, but just a bit clueless. Is he Pop or Fortune, I'm confused!
Hi Fini - Leo is popularity but his LTW is to own 5 top level businesses. I had no idea pop sims rolled the 5 businesses want but at least he isn't another Fortune sim. I have way too many fortune sims in my prosperity!
Don was released? What?? Dina's reaction makes you wonder why she really wanted to become a cop...hmmm. The plot thickens...
So Don was released. I don't think he did it anyhow...yea..Pops roll that LTW.....5 Businesses. I reckon if a Sim owned so many businesses, they would know everyone due to the networking perk, and thus, would be popular.
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