Broke House
Brandi Broke (G1, Family, Golden Anniversary)
Remington Harris (G1, Family, Golden Anniversary)
Beau Broke (G1, Knowledge, Top Education)
Joe Broke (G2)
Last time in the Broke House: Dina Caliente told Brandi about the anonymous letters to Bella Goth. Beau grew up and rolled knowledge. Dustin left for University.
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Remington and Brandi are relaxing in the bedroom.
Remington: I’ve been thinking…

Brandi: Mmm?
Remington: You know I’ve always wanted to be a father…
Brandi: Oh, Remi… I don’t know. I already have the boys and we don’t have much money. I adore kids but I’m just not sure we can afford to have more children.

Remington: Hey, honey. What’s all this with the money? I have a bit put by and we’re doing OK. Come on, Brandi. You know I love your boys but I’d really like a baby that carries a part of me…
Brandi: Mmm… let’s think about it a while…
Brandi closes the conversation but she knows Remington won’t be put off so easily.
----- *** -----
Just a few weeks later, Brandi wakes up one morning feeling nauseous. She glances over at Remington who is sleeping peacefully.

Brandi slips out of bed and quietly pads towards the bathroom. She rummages around for a moment and finds the spare pregnancy testing kit she remembers is hidden there. Deep down, Brandi already knows the result but it’s best to be sure before she presents the news to her husband.

----- *** -----
Unsurprisingly, Remington is overjoyed when Brandi announces she is pregnant. He calls all his family and friends to share the happy news. Not that anyone is especially startled by the news. In fact, the only surprise is just how long it took the couple to have a baby. Even Brandi’s sons take the news in their stride. And it’s not long before it’s time for Beau to follow his brother to University.
Beau: Hey Mom. I got my letter from Sim State. They’ve accepted me for entry next semester!
Brandi: That’s wonderful news, sweetheart. I’ll miss you but I know the time will go quickly. I can hardly believe Dustin graduates in a few months.

Beau: Yeah, and to think he’s actually got himself engaged!
Brandi: Engaged?! Wh…what are you talking about?
Beau’s face falls as he realizes he’s let the cat out of the bag.
Beau: Oh, god. You didn’t know?

Brandi: Well, no. But I’m delighted for him. Though I can’t deny I’m a little hurt he hasn’t told me. Ah well, perhaps Dustin and Angela want to make it a surprise.
At this last comment, Beau looks completely taken aback.

Beau: Angela? Angela Pleasant?
Brandi: Yes, of course, I mean Angela Pleasant. How many other Angelas are there? I’ve always known Dustin and Angela are destined to be together. They’ve been sweethearts ever since middle school.
Beau: Err… yes… right! Um… I best go get changed.
Beau hurries out of the room, wondering why on earth his brother is keeping their mother in the dark about his engagement.
----- *** -----
Once again, it is time for Brandi and Dina’s weekly gossip session. A lot is happening in Pleasantview and after Dina congratulates Brandi on her pregnancy they move swiftly to business.
Brandi: So you went to the police?
Dina sighs heavily and rubs her brow.
Dina: Yes. It was tough. But it’s done now... Let’s talk about something else.
It’s obvious Dina doesn’t want to talk about Don Lothario and Brandi is happy to avoid any topics that touch on Bella Goth. But it isn’t long before Bella’s name worms its way back into the conversation.
Dina: So, I saw Mortimer again. I tell you he’s going completely batty.
Brandi: Yes, I know. I spotted him in Bluewater Village the other day wearing his night clothes and no shoes. I think it’s sad to see him like this.

Dina: But at least he’s stopped going on about those letters. Though I can’t help being curious about who really did send them.
Brandi: The letters… so, he no longer cares about them?
Dina: Oh, I don’t know about that. I’m sure he cares about the letters. I just meant he no longer thinks I sent them. He told me so. I expect he’s discovered the real perpetrator. I hope he feels bad about accusing me - I honestly don’t understand why so many people assume I’m connected to all the bad stuff in Pleasantview!
Dina stops talking about herself for a moment and notices Brandi is shaking.
Dina: Hey, Brandi. What’s wrong?
Brandi shudders and finally loses control. She breaks down sobbing.
Brandi: It w…..was me. I s….sent those *sniff* letters.
Dina is shocked - Brandi is the last person she could imagine sending hate letters.
Dina: But… I don’t understand.
With some effort, Brandi stifles her sobbing and looks up at her closest friend.

Brandi: Of course you don’t understand. You’ve always been good-looking and clever and popular. Well, it wasn’t like that for me.
Dina: Sure, I know you had a tough time of it when you were younger. You told me all about it. But why Bella? And why hate letters?
Brandi: Bella! Oh how I hate that name. Just thinking about her makes me feel like the dumb kid in school again. The other girls - they all had such beautiful clothes and hair. They used to laugh about the way I dressed. I couldn’t help that my family couldn’t afford nice things. I wore hand-me-downs that were too big and my Mom used to cut my hair… But then I met Skip…
Brandi Broke (G1, Family, Golden Anniversary)
Remington Harris (G1, Family, Golden Anniversary)
Beau Broke (G1, Knowledge, Top Education)
Joe Broke (G2)
Last time in the Broke House: Dina Caliente told Brandi about the anonymous letters to Bella Goth. Beau grew up and rolled knowledge. Dustin left for University.
----- *** -----
Remington and Brandi are relaxing in the bedroom.
Remington: I’ve been thinking…

Brandi: Mmm?
Remington: You know I’ve always wanted to be a father…
Brandi: Oh, Remi… I don’t know. I already have the boys and we don’t have much money. I adore kids but I’m just not sure we can afford to have more children.

Remington: Hey, honey. What’s all this with the money? I have a bit put by and we’re doing OK. Come on, Brandi. You know I love your boys but I’d really like a baby that carries a part of me…
Brandi: Mmm… let’s think about it a while…
Brandi closes the conversation but she knows Remington won’t be put off so easily.
----- *** -----
Just a few weeks later, Brandi wakes up one morning feeling nauseous. She glances over at Remington who is sleeping peacefully.

Brandi slips out of bed and quietly pads towards the bathroom. She rummages around for a moment and finds the spare pregnancy testing kit she remembers is hidden there. Deep down, Brandi already knows the result but it’s best to be sure before she presents the news to her husband.

----- *** -----
Unsurprisingly, Remington is overjoyed when Brandi announces she is pregnant. He calls all his family and friends to share the happy news. Not that anyone is especially startled by the news. In fact, the only surprise is just how long it took the couple to have a baby. Even Brandi’s sons take the news in their stride. And it’s not long before it’s time for Beau to follow his brother to University.
Beau: Hey Mom. I got my letter from Sim State. They’ve accepted me for entry next semester!
Brandi: That’s wonderful news, sweetheart. I’ll miss you but I know the time will go quickly. I can hardly believe Dustin graduates in a few months.

Beau: Yeah, and to think he’s actually got himself engaged!
Brandi: Engaged?! Wh…what are you talking about?
Beau’s face falls as he realizes he’s let the cat out of the bag.
Beau: Oh, god. You didn’t know?

Brandi: Well, no. But I’m delighted for him. Though I can’t deny I’m a little hurt he hasn’t told me. Ah well, perhaps Dustin and Angela want to make it a surprise.
At this last comment, Beau looks completely taken aback.

Beau: Angela? Angela Pleasant?
Brandi: Yes, of course, I mean Angela Pleasant. How many other Angelas are there? I’ve always known Dustin and Angela are destined to be together. They’ve been sweethearts ever since middle school.
Beau: Err… yes… right! Um… I best go get changed.
Beau hurries out of the room, wondering why on earth his brother is keeping their mother in the dark about his engagement.
----- *** -----
Once again, it is time for Brandi and Dina’s weekly gossip session. A lot is happening in Pleasantview and after Dina congratulates Brandi on her pregnancy they move swiftly to business.
Brandi: So you went to the police?
Dina sighs heavily and rubs her brow.
Dina: Yes. It was tough. But it’s done now... Let’s talk about something else.
It’s obvious Dina doesn’t want to talk about Don Lothario and Brandi is happy to avoid any topics that touch on Bella Goth. But it isn’t long before Bella’s name worms its way back into the conversation.
Dina: So, I saw Mortimer again. I tell you he’s going completely batty.
Brandi: Yes, I know. I spotted him in Bluewater Village the other day wearing his night clothes and no shoes. I think it’s sad to see him like this.

Dina: But at least he’s stopped going on about those letters. Though I can’t help being curious about who really did send them.
Brandi: The letters… so, he no longer cares about them?
Dina: Oh, I don’t know about that. I’m sure he cares about the letters. I just meant he no longer thinks I sent them. He told me so. I expect he’s discovered the real perpetrator. I hope he feels bad about accusing me - I honestly don’t understand why so many people assume I’m connected to all the bad stuff in Pleasantview!
Dina stops talking about herself for a moment and notices Brandi is shaking.
Dina: Hey, Brandi. What’s wrong?
Brandi shudders and finally loses control. She breaks down sobbing.
Brandi: It w…..was me. I s….sent those *sniff* letters.
Dina is shocked - Brandi is the last person she could imagine sending hate letters.
Dina: But… I don’t understand.
With some effort, Brandi stifles her sobbing and looks up at her closest friend.

Brandi: Of course you don’t understand. You’ve always been good-looking and clever and popular. Well, it wasn’t like that for me.
Dina: Sure, I know you had a tough time of it when you were younger. You told me all about it. But why Bella? And why hate letters?
Brandi: Bella! Oh how I hate that name. Just thinking about her makes me feel like the dumb kid in school again. The other girls - they all had such beautiful clothes and hair. They used to laugh about the way I dressed. I couldn’t help that my family couldn’t afford nice things. I wore hand-me-downs that were too big and my Mom used to cut my hair… But then I met Skip…
Brandi breaks off, remembering the early days with Skip.

Brandi begins to shake again as a fresh wave of tears threaten.
Dina: Hey, come on. That’s all in the past. And look at you now. You’re gorgeous looking and have 3 beautiful children and a loving husband.
Brandi: Yes… yes, you’re right. *sniff* But if Mortimer knows you didn’t send the letters then maybe he suspects it was me! I wish I’d never done it. It was so petty and stupid. It felt like revenge but…
Dina: Hey, I understand. The stuff that happens in our childhood can hurt us pretty bad. Look, Mortimer is so crazy nobody will listen to him. And your secret is safe with me. Let’s just forget about the letters.
Gradually, Brandi’s sobbing eases. She is relieved Dina is happy to accept her story. She doesn’t want to talk about Skip. Her childhood memories are bad enough; but the final weeks with Skip had been the worst days of her life. Brandi firmly pushes all memory of Skip and Bella to the back of her mind.
----- *** -----
Brandi’s pregnancy progresses smoothly and it’s not long before Remington gets his wish and becomes a father. It’s another boy and they call him Luke.

Remington: Brandi, you’re an amazing woman and a wonderful mother.
Brandi blushes and laughs off the compliment.
Remington: I’ve been thinking… Dustin gets back from school soon.
Brandi is cradling Luke. It feels good to hold a baby in her arms again. She is only half listening to her husband.
Brandi: Mmm…
Remington: And I know how you want Dustin to have this house. As Skip’s first-born it’s only right. So… what d’you think to us getting a place of our own?
Remington holds his breath. He’s already seen the perfect house – a small-holding not so far away. It’s just large enough for a family and perhaps a few vegetables and an orchard.
Brandi: *Gently rocking Luke in her arms* Hmm… that sounds nice.
Remington smiles warmly and puts his arms around his wife and child. He has plans for the future but he knows to take one step at a time.
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Love this, Sally! I was really enjoying your other mystery challenge and have just started reading this one. You're such an excellent writer! Your postive comments on my blog mean so much because you're so talented!
I'm off to vote!
Aww, it's another boy! Wow, she has all boys, it seems. I thought it was Brandi sending the hate letters, but for now I'm sticking with my original choice.
LOL--Dina trying to make a point, here? "I honestly don’t understand why so many people assume I’m connected to all the bad stuff in Pleasantview!" She doesn't like all those votes? Well, I admit I might be changing my vote. I don't think we've heard the last about poor Brandi. But you can't make me believe she's a murderer....nope, no way! interesting twist, though now i think it definitely isn't Brandi. Dina just climbed up another notch on my suspects list. Luke is adorable and Remmi is such a sweet husband.
Wow that threw me for a loop! lol
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