Pleasant House
Daniel Pleasant (G1, Romance, Top Slacker)
Mary-Sue Pleasant (G1, Fortune, Top 5 Businesses)
Last time in the Pleasant House: Daniel Pleasant was questioned by the police about stealing from the Athletics Club. The Club decided not to press charges and the Pleasants got off with just a fine. We also learnt that Daniel had previously had an affair with Bella. Meanwhile, Lillith and Angela became firm friends and left for University.
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Mary-Sue has opened a small business in Bluewater Village; she sells statues and other trinkets.
Mary-Sue: Sir, might I interest you in this fine object. It would look striking on any mantle or side-table.

Customer: Mmm… Well, I already have three of your Santa statues… But, maybe one more can’t harm…
The customer considers the strange, golden object and promptly makes up his mind.
Customer: OK, then. I’ll take it!

Mary-Sue is turning out to be a fine business woman. It isn’t long before her shop is doing so well that she can afford to buy a second, larger store. This time, Mary-Sue turns her hand to selling clothes. She rapidly discovers that with her sales skills she can pretty much sell snow to Eskimos. Or even to penguins…

One day, Mary-Sue is busy convincing Tiffany to update her image and doesn’t notice Don Lothario quietly leaving her shop.

Don: *Thinking to self* Phew! I’m glad Mrs Pleasant didn’t spot me. I really couldn’t face talking to her right now. If she ever finds out I was the one who informed the police, she’ll crucify me. But what else could I do? I had to give them something…

Don hurries home, vowing to stay clear of Mary-Sue’s businesses in the future.
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Mortimer is visiting Bluewater Village and wanders into Mary-Sue’s latest clothing store.
Mary-Sue: Why, Mortimer, how wonderful to see you. Are you shopping for yourself today?

Mortimer: Err… I’m not sure really. I was just getting some air and noticed your charming shop.
Mary-Sue: Well, perhaps I can interest you in something for your Granddaughter. Isn’t it her birthday soon? How about a pretty dress?

Mortimer: Well, maybe… Don’t you also own the Little ‘n Local across the road? And the new Spa?
Mary-Sue: Why, yes. Yes, I do.
Mortimer: But how could you possibly afford all of this? Weren’t you fined by the Athletics Club recently?
Mary-Sue looks flustered. She isn’t accustomed to such blunt questions from Mortimer. And the source of her finances is a touchy subject.
Mary-Sue: Shush... Someone might hear you. Anyway, how… how do you know about that?
Mortimer: Oh… I have my sources.

Mary-Sue thinks a while and then her eyes narrow.
Mary-Sue: Wait a moment. Was it you? Did you inform the police? How could you do that? I thought we were friends.
Mortimer: No, no – you have it all wrong. I just meant…
Mary-Sue doesn’t want to hear any more. Gently but firmly, she steers Mortimer towards the door.
Mary-Sue: I think you should leave now. Goodbye, Mortimer.
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Mary-Sue is feeling good about life. She now owns 5 top businesses and no longer feels the need for her regular dose of elixir. So, one day…
Mary-Sue: Daniel! DANIEL! Where are you? It’s that time. I just know it, ughh… I feel sick... Come here, quickly!
Mary-Sue’s head is spinning. She wavers a moment and then makes an inelegant twirl.

Mary-Sue: Whoa! I’m glad that’s the last time I have to do that. Hmm… this body feels different. Why’s my neck all bent? And my hair - it’s grey!

Daniel rushes in to see what all the fuss is about. He takes one look at this wife and groans to himself.
Daniel: *Talking to self* Oh, god. Why did Mary-Sue have to fall out with old Mortimer? We need that elixir he makes. It’ll be my turn next and then how will I attract the ladies..?
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Angela is home from University for a visit. She is talking to Mary-Sue in the hallway. Angela is getting frustrated with her mother.
Angela: But Mom, I don’t understand… Where did all the money come from?

Mary-Sue: Why, sweetheart, I had a little put away.
Angela: Yes, but, wasn’t there some trouble with the police? I overheard you and Dad talking about some big fine. I don’t understand.
Mary-Sue: Sweetie, you don’t need to worry about these things. Your father and I have always taken care of you, haven’t we?
Angela: Stop, treating me like a child! I’m an adult now. I want to know what’s going on.

Mary-Sue: Ange, honey. Please, stop this. You’re not usually so angry. That’s Lillith’s specialty. Why don’t we have a cup of tea and a chat about University? I can’t wait to hear all about it.
Angela: Mom, you’re changing the subject again. You’re always doing that when you don’t want us to know about something. Well, that’s it. I’ve had enough! Dustin tells me I shouldn’t take so much grief from my family and he’s right.

Angela storms out of the house. Mary-Sue watches her go with a puzzled frown. Angela is usually such a good girl. Mary-Sue can’t imagine what brought all this anger on.

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Daniel Pleasant (G1, Romance, Top Slacker)
Mary-Sue Pleasant (G1, Fortune, Top 5 Businesses)
Last time in the Pleasant House: Daniel Pleasant was questioned by the police about stealing from the Athletics Club. The Club decided not to press charges and the Pleasants got off with just a fine. We also learnt that Daniel had previously had an affair with Bella. Meanwhile, Lillith and Angela became firm friends and left for University.
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Mary-Sue has opened a small business in Bluewater Village; she sells statues and other trinkets.
Mary-Sue: Sir, might I interest you in this fine object. It would look striking on any mantle or side-table.

Customer: Mmm… Well, I already have three of your Santa statues… But, maybe one more can’t harm…
The customer considers the strange, golden object and promptly makes up his mind.
Customer: OK, then. I’ll take it!

Mary-Sue is turning out to be a fine business woman. It isn’t long before her shop is doing so well that she can afford to buy a second, larger store. This time, Mary-Sue turns her hand to selling clothes. She rapidly discovers that with her sales skills she can pretty much sell snow to Eskimos. Or even to penguins…

One day, Mary-Sue is busy convincing Tiffany to update her image and doesn’t notice Don Lothario quietly leaving her shop.

Don: *Thinking to self* Phew! I’m glad Mrs Pleasant didn’t spot me. I really couldn’t face talking to her right now. If she ever finds out I was the one who informed the police, she’ll crucify me. But what else could I do? I had to give them something…

Don hurries home, vowing to stay clear of Mary-Sue’s businesses in the future.
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Mortimer is visiting Bluewater Village and wanders into Mary-Sue’s latest clothing store.
Mary-Sue: Why, Mortimer, how wonderful to see you. Are you shopping for yourself today?

Mortimer: Err… I’m not sure really. I was just getting some air and noticed your charming shop.
Mary-Sue: Well, perhaps I can interest you in something for your Granddaughter. Isn’t it her birthday soon? How about a pretty dress?

Mortimer: Well, maybe… Don’t you also own the Little ‘n Local across the road? And the new Spa?
Mary-Sue: Why, yes. Yes, I do.
Mortimer: But how could you possibly afford all of this? Weren’t you fined by the Athletics Club recently?
Mary-Sue looks flustered. She isn’t accustomed to such blunt questions from Mortimer. And the source of her finances is a touchy subject.
Mary-Sue: Shush... Someone might hear you. Anyway, how… how do you know about that?
Mortimer: Oh… I have my sources.

Mary-Sue thinks a while and then her eyes narrow.
Mary-Sue: Wait a moment. Was it you? Did you inform the police? How could you do that? I thought we were friends.
Mortimer: No, no – you have it all wrong. I just meant…
Mary-Sue doesn’t want to hear any more. Gently but firmly, she steers Mortimer towards the door.
Mary-Sue: I think you should leave now. Goodbye, Mortimer.
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Mary-Sue is feeling good about life. She now owns 5 top businesses and no longer feels the need for her regular dose of elixir. So, one day…
Mary-Sue: Daniel! DANIEL! Where are you? It’s that time. I just know it, ughh… I feel sick... Come here, quickly!
Mary-Sue’s head is spinning. She wavers a moment and then makes an inelegant twirl.

Mary-Sue: Whoa! I’m glad that’s the last time I have to do that. Hmm… this body feels different. Why’s my neck all bent? And my hair - it’s grey!

Daniel rushes in to see what all the fuss is about. He takes one look at this wife and groans to himself.
Daniel: *Talking to self* Oh, god. Why did Mary-Sue have to fall out with old Mortimer? We need that elixir he makes. It’ll be my turn next and then how will I attract the ladies..?
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Angela is home from University for a visit. She is talking to Mary-Sue in the hallway. Angela is getting frustrated with her mother.
Angela: But Mom, I don’t understand… Where did all the money come from?

Mary-Sue: Why, sweetheart, I had a little put away.
Angela: Yes, but, wasn’t there some trouble with the police? I overheard you and Dad talking about some big fine. I don’t understand.
Mary-Sue: Sweetie, you don’t need to worry about these things. Your father and I have always taken care of you, haven’t we?
Angela: Stop, treating me like a child! I’m an adult now. I want to know what’s going on.

Mary-Sue: Ange, honey. Please, stop this. You’re not usually so angry. That’s Lillith’s specialty. Why don’t we have a cup of tea and a chat about University? I can’t wait to hear all about it.
Angela: Mom, you’re changing the subject again. You’re always doing that when you don’t want us to know about something. Well, that’s it. I’ve had enough! Dustin tells me I shouldn’t take so much grief from my family and he’s right.

Angela storms out of the house. Mary-Sue watches her go with a puzzled frown. Angela is usually such a good girl. Mary-Sue can’t imagine what brought all this anger on.

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I'm puzzled. Lots of money? Wouldn't that have come from the businesses? Is Mary-Sue getting senile? Or are the Pleasants stealing again? Don, you'd better hope Mary-Sue never finds out you did that, or she'll have your head. Daniel's funny. All he cares about is attracting ladies.
interesting developments. Nice to see changes in Angela from college. Curious about the money.
Mary Sue and money? LOL Ol' Morty seems to not only know everything (perm plat) but also knows what is going on with the Pleasants. How did he find that out?
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