Goth House
Mortimer Goth (G1, Knowledge, Mad Scientist)
Last time in the Goth House: Mortimer had an angry phone call with Don Lothario. Cassandra and Don broke off their engagement and Cassandra got together with Darren Dreamer. Alexander found some anonymous hate letters which had been written to Bella Goth. Mortimer took the letters and asked Alexander to keep them secret.
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Alexander has left for University, while Cassandra and little Bella have moved in with Darren Dreamer. Mortimer is home alone and muttering to himself.
Mortimer: Ho hum. What was I doing? Oh, yes… Time for my secret formula…

Mortimer gulps down some elixir and instantly feels invigorated.

Mortimer: Ahh…. That’s better… It gets harder each time. Sometimes, I feel so… stretched thin. Perhaps it’s time to give up and meet Grim? No, no. Pull yourself together, Old Boy. You still have things to do… Now where was I? Ah yes, the exercise machine. Just a little way to go…

Mortimer makes his way to the exercise bench in the hallway. He’s close to fulfilling his impossible desire to attain full knowledge. Mortimer is an old man, older than anyone in Pleasantview, and his mind isn’t as sharp as it used to be. But he’s still a determined individual and after a tiring and sweaty afternoon, he finally makes it.

Mortimer: At last! But what now..? What can I do, now I know everything? Oh, I wish Alexander was here. I’d enjoy a challenging game of chess… Where is that boy? Ah yes, of course. He’s away at University… I keep forgetting… It seems like just yesterday that I watched Bella cradle baby Alexander in her arms… Bella, Bella, Bella… Why did you have to leave me?
Mortimer sighs and heaves his tried body upstairs where he prepares himself for another lonely night.
----- *** -----
A few days later, Mortimer receives an unexpected visit from Dina Caliente.

Mortimer: Dina, what’re you doing here? I thought you and I had nothing more to say to each other.
Dina: Morty, darling… *Dina notices Mortimer’s angry face*… Sorry, Mortimer. We have to talk...

Mortimer: *Interrupting* Never mind about those letters. I know now that you didn’t send them to Bella. I’m sorry I accused you. Can we forget all about it? I don’t want to talk about them any more.
Dina: Uh, OK… But there was something else.
Dina looks nervous, which is unusual for her. Mortimer studies Dina carefully and can tell she is serious.

Mortimer: Yes?
Dina: It’s about your wife, Bella.
Mortimer: Please, Dina, I don’t want to talk about Bella to you or to anyone.
Dina: But this is important. It’s… about the night Bella disappeared. I was there by the lake…

Mortimer: *Shouting* Dina! That’s quite enough. I forbid you to talk about Bella.
Dina: But, Mortimer, I have to tell you this…
Mortimer: No, Dina. Now please leave my property. I never want to see you or hear from you again.

Dina tries to protest but with surprising strength for such an old man, Mortimer escorts her off his land.
----- *** -----
Mortimer is preparing a meal for one in the kitchen. His hold on life is fading and he spends more and more time living in the past. He can often be seen muttering to himself and to his dead wife, Bella.
Mortimer: Now then, Bella. I’m making your favourite meal tonight – lobster thermidor. You always did have expensive tastes, didn’t you? We were happy together, you and I. Weren’t we Bella? I know what the gossips used to say – what did a glamorous lady like you see in a nerdy, scientist like me? But they didn’t know did they? We had something special…
Mortimer is interrupted by a loud alarm bell. He has forgotten about the lobster and now a fire has broken out in the kitchen.

Mortimer: What! Aggghh… Help me, someone! What do I do? Help!!
A fireman rushes in and efficiently extinguishes the fire.

As the last flames die away, the fireman turns to Mortimer.
Fireman: Now then, Mr Goth, you must be more careful. Is there anyone at home to help you?

Mortimer bristles at the fireman’s condescending tone.
Mortimer: No, I live alone. But what are you implying, young man? That I can’t look after myself?
Fireman: No, no. I didn’t mean to cause any offence. I’m sure you’re quite able to take care of yourself. And the Fire Service is always on hand to assist when needed. Err… I think I’ll let myself out.
The fireman swiftly departs, leaving Mortimer to retrieve his burnt lobster from the oven.

Mortimer: Well, Bella, I guess this isn’t quite how you like your lobster cooked? Maybe I am getting a little old to be living alone like this. Not long now, Bella… Not long and we’ll be together again.
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Mortimer Goth (G1, Knowledge, Mad Scientist)
Last time in the Goth House: Mortimer had an angry phone call with Don Lothario. Cassandra and Don broke off their engagement and Cassandra got together with Darren Dreamer. Alexander found some anonymous hate letters which had been written to Bella Goth. Mortimer took the letters and asked Alexander to keep them secret.
----- *** -----
Alexander has left for University, while Cassandra and little Bella have moved in with Darren Dreamer. Mortimer is home alone and muttering to himself.
Mortimer: Ho hum. What was I doing? Oh, yes… Time for my secret formula…

Mortimer gulps down some elixir and instantly feels invigorated.

Mortimer: Ahh…. That’s better… It gets harder each time. Sometimes, I feel so… stretched thin. Perhaps it’s time to give up and meet Grim? No, no. Pull yourself together, Old Boy. You still have things to do… Now where was I? Ah yes, the exercise machine. Just a little way to go…

Mortimer makes his way to the exercise bench in the hallway. He’s close to fulfilling his impossible desire to attain full knowledge. Mortimer is an old man, older than anyone in Pleasantview, and his mind isn’t as sharp as it used to be. But he’s still a determined individual and after a tiring and sweaty afternoon, he finally makes it.

Mortimer: At last! But what now..? What can I do, now I know everything? Oh, I wish Alexander was here. I’d enjoy a challenging game of chess… Where is that boy? Ah yes, of course. He’s away at University… I keep forgetting… It seems like just yesterday that I watched Bella cradle baby Alexander in her arms… Bella, Bella, Bella… Why did you have to leave me?
Mortimer sighs and heaves his tried body upstairs where he prepares himself for another lonely night.
----- *** -----
A few days later, Mortimer receives an unexpected visit from Dina Caliente.

Mortimer: Dina, what’re you doing here? I thought you and I had nothing more to say to each other.
Dina: Morty, darling… *Dina notices Mortimer’s angry face*… Sorry, Mortimer. We have to talk...

Mortimer: *Interrupting* Never mind about those letters. I know now that you didn’t send them to Bella. I’m sorry I accused you. Can we forget all about it? I don’t want to talk about them any more.
Dina: Uh, OK… But there was something else.
Dina looks nervous, which is unusual for her. Mortimer studies Dina carefully and can tell she is serious.

Mortimer: Yes?
Dina: It’s about your wife, Bella.
Mortimer: Please, Dina, I don’t want to talk about Bella to you or to anyone.
Dina: But this is important. It’s… about the night Bella disappeared. I was there by the lake…

Mortimer: *Shouting* Dina! That’s quite enough. I forbid you to talk about Bella.
Dina: But, Mortimer, I have to tell you this…
Mortimer: No, Dina. Now please leave my property. I never want to see you or hear from you again.

Dina tries to protest but with surprising strength for such an old man, Mortimer escorts her off his land.
----- *** -----
Mortimer is preparing a meal for one in the kitchen. His hold on life is fading and he spends more and more time living in the past. He can often be seen muttering to himself and to his dead wife, Bella.
Mortimer: Now then, Bella. I’m making your favourite meal tonight – lobster thermidor. You always did have expensive tastes, didn’t you? We were happy together, you and I. Weren’t we Bella? I know what the gossips used to say – what did a glamorous lady like you see in a nerdy, scientist like me? But they didn’t know did they? We had something special…
Mortimer is interrupted by a loud alarm bell. He has forgotten about the lobster and now a fire has broken out in the kitchen.

Mortimer: What! Aggghh… Help me, someone! What do I do? Help!!
A fireman rushes in and efficiently extinguishes the fire.

As the last flames die away, the fireman turns to Mortimer.
Fireman: Now then, Mr Goth, you must be more careful. Is there anyone at home to help you?

Mortimer bristles at the fireman’s condescending tone.
Mortimer: No, I live alone. But what are you implying, young man? That I can’t look after myself?
Fireman: No, no. I didn’t mean to cause any offence. I’m sure you’re quite able to take care of yourself. And the Fire Service is always on hand to assist when needed. Err… I think I’ll let myself out.
The fireman swiftly departs, leaving Mortimer to retrieve his burnt lobster from the oven.

Mortimer: Well, Bella, I guess this isn’t quite how you like your lobster cooked? Maybe I am getting a little old to be living alone like this. Not long now, Bella… Not long and we’ll be together again.
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*sniffle* Poor Morty. He misses Bella so much. At least he does have his IW. Well, this makes me rethink my original vote. Sounds like Dina was implicating someone else and then Morty cut her off. Why, I wonder? Seems like he knows a lot more than he's telling. I guess we'll find out one day later. I hope it wasn't Morty, though; that would break my little heart.
Its so sad to see Morty like this. Though, the whole thing with Dina sounds really suspect.
Poor Mortimer. I don't believe he did it...sounds like he is ready to pass on to the Golden Life with an umbrella drink in his hand.
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