Pleasant HouseDaniel Pleasant (G1, Romance, Top Slacker)
Mary-Sue Pleasant (G1, Fortune, Top 5 Businesses)
Lillith Pleasant (G1, Popularity, Top Military)
Angela Pleasant (G1, Popularity, Top Law)
Last time in the Pleasant House: Daniel had an affair with the maid, Kaylynn, and narrowly escaped being discovered by his wife. Angela and Lillith continued to fight. Daniel and Mary-Sue heard that Bella’s body had been found and worried about an upcoming interview with the police.
----- *** -----
Daniel comes home from work.

Daniel: Hi! Anyone home? Kids? Mary-Sue? I have great news – I’ve been promoted to Hall of Famer.
Mary-Sue comes out to greet her husband.
Mary-Sue: Congratulations, darling. That’s wonderful news – and I hope you bought home a nice bonus?Daniel: Yes, yes. Is that all you think about – money?A police car draws up outside.
Mary-Sue: *Looking frightened* Oh god, Daniel. It’s the police.Daniel: Pull yourself together and stay calm. You delay him while I go in and get changed.Daniel rushes inside and Mary-Sue turns to the police officer.Mary-Sue: Good evening officer. And to what do we owe the pleasure?Officer: I would like to speak with your husband. Is he here?Mary-Sue: Er, yes. He’s just inside getting changed. Can I offer you a tea or coffee? Maybe something stronger?Officer: Mrs Pleasant - officers don’t drink while on duty. Now, please take me to see your husband.Mary-Sue reluctantly takes the policeman inside where Daniel is waiting.
Daniel: Good evening, officer. And what can I do for you?Officer: I am here to take you down to the station for questioning.Daniel: And may I ask what this relates to?
Officer: Certain matters have come to light relating to Bella Goth and some financial inconsistencies at the Athletics Club.Daniel glances quickly at his wife before facing up to the officer.Daniel: Now if you’re accusing me of anything then you best get it out!Officer: You’re not under arrest, Mr Pleasant. We would just like to take you to the station for questioning. Now will you come with me or do I need to issue a warrant?Mary-Sue: Daniel…
Daniel: Hush, Mary-Sue, it’s fine. Yes of course I’ll come with you. I have nothing to hide.
The police officer leaves with Daniel.----- *** -----That evening, Angela secretly meets Dustin Broke.Angel: Oh, Dustin, thank god you came!
Dustin: What is it? You sounded distraught on the phone.Angela: It’s dreadful, Dustin. The police have taken Dad. I saw him getting into a police car and that was hours ago.Dustin: OK, calm down. I know something about how the police work. So, tell me – was your Dad in handcuffs?
Angela: *Gasps* No, of course not!Dustin: OK, so he’s not under arrest. They’re probably taking him in for questioning. Have you any idea what this is all about? I may have some contacts that could help.Angela: No, I don’t know anything. Mom refuses to talk but she looks worried. Do you think Dad’s in trouble?Dustin: Well it sounds like nothing and I don’t think there’s anything we can do right now. How about we talk about something else? It’ll take your mind off things. Have you sent your uni application in yet?Angela: Oh, yeah. Lillith and I did that months ago. We’ve both been accepted into Sim State. Though can you believe that Lillith got more scholarships then me?Dustin: Hmph! She’s a dark horse that sister of yours. She could probably do anything if she put her mind to it. She just doesn’t always choose to put her mind to things.Angela: Yeah, well. I don’t wanna talk about Lillith. What about Dad?Dustin: I’m sure everything will be OK. You best go in now and check up on your Mom. Give me a kiss before you go.
----- *** -----In the early hours of the morning, Daniel returns home. Mary-Sue is waiting for him in the kitchen.Mary-Sue: Thank god! Are you OK? Why are you wearing that jumpsuit? What did they do to you?
Daniel: Shush, quiet now. We don’t want to wake the girls up. Come and sit down and I’ll tell you what happened.Daniel and Mary-Sue sit down at the kitchen table.Mary-Sue: So – what happened?Daniel: When I arrived at the station they took all my clothes and personal items away. I think it was meant to scare me into talking. You know – de-humanise me, break me down.Mary-Sue: Yes, but what did they want? What do they know?Daniel: First, they asked me about my… my relationship with Bella Goth.Mary-Sue: Your relationship? So there was something between you – I knew it! Are you ever going to stop? I’ve ignored a lot, but Bella Goth? From what I’ve heard, there’re few in Pleasantview who haven't had an affair with her.Daniel: OK, let’s not go into it now. It’s been a long day and I’m tired.
Mary-Sue: Alright. But was that it? The police officer mentioned financial inconsistencies. Do they know about…Daniel: *Interrupting* Yes, I’m afraid they do know. Don’t worry; I kept your name out of it. Apparently, Bella found some accounts when she was over here one day.Mary-Sue: You saw Bella here? In our house? Honestly Daniel, you’re despicable.
Daniel: OK, I have my faults. But you’re not so innocent yourself. Anyway, Bella guessed some of what we were doing and she must have told someone at the club. I don’t know who. After Bella’s disappearance, that person told the police.Mary-Sue: How much do they know?Daniel: Everything. But it seems the Athletic Club are not going to press charges.Mary-Sue: So we get off free?Daniel: Well not quite. I’ve been forced to resign my job and we’ll have to pay a large fine to the Club. But I think that’s the last we’ll hear about the matter.Mary-Sue: A fine? How much?
Daniel: Enough to repay what we stole plus interest. But please don’t start on the money thing. We have plenty put away and at least the girls have earned enough scholarships to get them through university. We’ll get by.----- *** -----Several months pass and the day arrives for the twins to leave for University.Angela: Bye Mom, bye Dad!
Mary-Sue: You’ll call us won’t you? Let us know how you’re getting on?Angela: Yeah, sure. Don’t worry.
Angela gets into the waiting taxi followed by her sister.Daniel: Bye, Lillith. Have fun!
Lillith waves quickly and tells the taxi driver to leave. As the car moves off, the two sisters look at each other and grin.Lillith: This is it, Sis. We’re free!Angela: I’m so glad we’re friends at last. Here’s to fun, laughter and a new life!----- *** -----
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Good to see the girls have finally started to get along. And it looks like Bella's death is not the only shady thing that's been going on in this town. Looks like the Pleasants are getting off easy though. We'll see how long it lasts, lol.
Oh how I'm glad you're back - I missed your Four Corners blog, but this more than makes up for it.
I'm beginning to think the Pleasants aren't implicated in Bella's death, they're just into fraud. Maybe!
I'm still waiting to cast my vote, as there's no real evidence yet. Great update.
hmm...the sisters are getting along...cause of concern? lol.
Daniel and Sue sure have motive don't they.
I love all the twists and turns. Who done it? =)
Daniel--Bella? In your own house? That's just low. So they stole stuff, and Bella found out? That'll get one seeing red.
I'm glad the girls are friends now. I knew they could be.
Hahaha Daniel, you scumbag. LOLOL Having women in the house right under Mary Sue's nose. The twins are gone off to Uni. Just exactly how much did the Pleasants steal?
Daniel stole money from the gym? OMG! If he was willing to do that, would he have been willing to kill over that secret???
Great story. :)
well my pleasant family died in a fire including Kaylynn and now all i have is the twins!!! i know quite poopish but im gonna cheat and make them myself!!! MWHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHA!!!!!!!!!!
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