Dreamer House
Darren Dreamer (G1, Knowledge, Mad Scientist)
Dirk Dreamer (G1, Finance, Top 5 Businesses)

Last time in the Dreamer House: Darren tried (and failed) to tell Cassandra about his feelings. Meanwhile, Dirk got into Private School.
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Darren is working late at night.
Darren: *Thinking out loud* OK, I have to concentrate if I want this promotion. If only I could get Cassandra out of my mind. Right, let’s finish this report…

Darren taps away on the keyboard for a short while and then stops.
Darren: I wonder what Cass is doing now..?
Darren gazes thoughtfully out of the window as he envisions Cassandra tucked up in bed at home. He visibly shakes himself.
Darren: Stop it, Darren! You have to get this report finished before work tomorrow. Now, concentrate.
Darren finishes his report in the early hours of the morning, just in time to head off to work and achieve the longed for promotion to Mad Scientist.
----- *** -----
Some weeks later, Dirk is outside with Sophie Miguel.

Sophie: Ha! Missed! You’re not very good at this, are you?
Dirk: I’ll make you eat those words. Take that!

Sophie: Ow! Right, this means war!
Sophie charges at Dirk with her pillow raised. Dirk ducks and catches Sophie off guard. The fight continues for some time. Then…
Sophie: *Panting* OK, let’s call it quits.

Dirk: Only if you declare me winner.
Sophie: Alright, alright. But I demand a re-match tomorrow.
Dirk: Deal!
Dirk thinks for a moment and then moves closer.

Dirk: Hey, Soph. You know I’ll be heading off to Sim State next month?
Sophie: Yeah, that’s great. I’m really pleased for you.
Dirk: Well, the thing is. I was wondering if you’d decided between Sim State and La Fiesta?
Sophie: *Sighs* I’m not sure. My parents were over the moon when I got into La Fiesta, but all my friends are going to Sim State.
Dirk: I think you should come to Sim State. It’s your choice not your parents... *Dirk pauses and then rushes on* … besides, I’ll miss you if you go away.
Sophie: Oh come on, Dirk. I know we’re friends but you’re so popular, you’ll forget all about me once you get to Uni.
Dirk: No, really. You and I think alike. We have the same dreams.
Sophie: What – you mean we both want to make a stack of cash!
Dirk: Exactly.
Dirk takes Sophie’s hands.

Dirk: I like you, Soph. A lot.
Dirk moves in to kiss Sophie.
Sophie: Wait! What about Lillith?
Dirk: Lillith and I are taking a break. We… well we don’t have much in common any more. We were never serious anyway. Hey, let’s not talk about Lillith - she and I are history.
Dirk leans in again and this time Sophie succumbs.

----- *** -----
A few weeks later, Dirk is on his way out when his Dad stops him.
Darren: Wait up, Dirk. D’you have time for a chat?

Dirk: Sure, what is it Dad?
Darren: You know it’s a long time since your mother died. And we both still miss her.
Dirk:*Interrupting* Dad, if this is about you and Cassandra then chill. I already know and I think it’s cool. I like Cassandra and she makes you happy.

Darren: Oh, er, right. So, how long have you known?
Dirk: Oh, ages. You’ve been mooning round after Cassandra for months. In fact, it’s about time you did something about it. Go for it, Dad!

Dirk gives his Dad a quick hug and exits the house, leaving Darren staring after him in mute surprise.
Darren: Hmph! So, now my son is giving me advice about women?!
----- *** -----
Darren thinks about his son’s advice and after a few agonising weeks of indecision, he invites Cassandra round for dinner. They’ve just finished a gourmet meal of Lobster Thermidor.
Cassandra: That was wonderful, Darren. You’re such a great cook.
Darren: I’m glad you enjoyed dinner. I wanted everything to be perfect this evening… There’s something important I’d like to ask you.
There’s a long pause and then Darren gets down on one knee.

Darren: Cass, you’re an amazing woman and I love you with all my heart. Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?
Cassandra stares at the ring. Suddenly she remembers her previous engagement. Don had proposed in a flashy restaurant, surrounded by smiling waiters and clapping diners. Darren’s proposal is simpler but it feels right.
Cassandra: Oh, yes! Yes, I’ll marry you.

Darren grins and swings Cassandra into a huge bear-hug. This time, he knows everything is going to be OK.
----- *** -----
A short time later, Cassandra and Bella settle into the remodelled Dreamer home. Cassandra and Darren quickly slip into a comfortable routine. One lazy Sunday, they’re reading the papers together when Darren exclaims out loud. Cassandra looks up.

Cassandra: What’s up?
Darren: Uh nothing…
Cassandra: Your face doesn’t look like nothing.
Darren hesitates, he looks worried.
Darren: Well… I guess you’re going to see this sooner or later. It’s about your mother – the police have made a statement.

Cassandra: Yesss… Go on.
Darren: It says here they’ve identified the spot where Bella… entered the lake. They found fragments of her clothing up on Lakeview Bridge. They’re asking for any witnesses who were in the area on Saturday 5th May 2001 to come forward. They’re especially interested in finding two young women who were caught on security cameras leaving the area.
Cassandra: Anything else?
Darren: Yes, they’ve confirmed that they’re treating your mother’s death as murder.

Cassandra’s composure begins to wobble. Darren quickly puts down his paper and rushes to comfort his fiancĂ©e.
----- *** -----
Darren Dreamer (G1, Knowledge, Mad Scientist)
Dirk Dreamer (G1, Finance, Top 5 Businesses)

Last time in the Dreamer House: Darren tried (and failed) to tell Cassandra about his feelings. Meanwhile, Dirk got into Private School.
----- *** -----
Darren is working late at night.
Darren: *Thinking out loud* OK, I have to concentrate if I want this promotion. If only I could get Cassandra out of my mind. Right, let’s finish this report…

Darren taps away on the keyboard for a short while and then stops.
Darren: I wonder what Cass is doing now..?
Darren gazes thoughtfully out of the window as he envisions Cassandra tucked up in bed at home. He visibly shakes himself.
Darren: Stop it, Darren! You have to get this report finished before work tomorrow. Now, concentrate.
Darren finishes his report in the early hours of the morning, just in time to head off to work and achieve the longed for promotion to Mad Scientist.
----- *** -----
Some weeks later, Dirk is outside with Sophie Miguel.

Sophie: Ha! Missed! You’re not very good at this, are you?
Dirk: I’ll make you eat those words. Take that!

Sophie: Ow! Right, this means war!
Sophie charges at Dirk with her pillow raised. Dirk ducks and catches Sophie off guard. The fight continues for some time. Then…
Sophie: *Panting* OK, let’s call it quits.

Dirk: Only if you declare me winner.
Sophie: Alright, alright. But I demand a re-match tomorrow.
Dirk: Deal!
Dirk thinks for a moment and then moves closer.

Dirk: Hey, Soph. You know I’ll be heading off to Sim State next month?
Sophie: Yeah, that’s great. I’m really pleased for you.
Dirk: Well, the thing is. I was wondering if you’d decided between Sim State and La Fiesta?
Sophie: *Sighs* I’m not sure. My parents were over the moon when I got into La Fiesta, but all my friends are going to Sim State.
Dirk: I think you should come to Sim State. It’s your choice not your parents... *Dirk pauses and then rushes on* … besides, I’ll miss you if you go away.
Sophie: Oh come on, Dirk. I know we’re friends but you’re so popular, you’ll forget all about me once you get to Uni.
Dirk: No, really. You and I think alike. We have the same dreams.
Sophie: What – you mean we both want to make a stack of cash!
Dirk: Exactly.
Dirk takes Sophie’s hands.

Dirk: I like you, Soph. A lot.
Dirk moves in to kiss Sophie.
Sophie: Wait! What about Lillith?
Dirk: Lillith and I are taking a break. We… well we don’t have much in common any more. We were never serious anyway. Hey, let’s not talk about Lillith - she and I are history.
Dirk leans in again and this time Sophie succumbs.

----- *** -----
A few weeks later, Dirk is on his way out when his Dad stops him.
Darren: Wait up, Dirk. D’you have time for a chat?

Dirk: Sure, what is it Dad?
Darren: You know it’s a long time since your mother died. And we both still miss her.
Dirk:*Interrupting* Dad, if this is about you and Cassandra then chill. I already know and I think it’s cool. I like Cassandra and she makes you happy.

Darren: Oh, er, right. So, how long have you known?
Dirk: Oh, ages. You’ve been mooning round after Cassandra for months. In fact, it’s about time you did something about it. Go for it, Dad!

Dirk gives his Dad a quick hug and exits the house, leaving Darren staring after him in mute surprise.
Darren: Hmph! So, now my son is giving me advice about women?!
----- *** -----
Darren thinks about his son’s advice and after a few agonising weeks of indecision, he invites Cassandra round for dinner. They’ve just finished a gourmet meal of Lobster Thermidor.
Cassandra: That was wonderful, Darren. You’re such a great cook.
Darren: I’m glad you enjoyed dinner. I wanted everything to be perfect this evening… There’s something important I’d like to ask you.
There’s a long pause and then Darren gets down on one knee.

Darren: Cass, you’re an amazing woman and I love you with all my heart. Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?
Cassandra stares at the ring. Suddenly she remembers her previous engagement. Don had proposed in a flashy restaurant, surrounded by smiling waiters and clapping diners. Darren’s proposal is simpler but it feels right.
Cassandra: Oh, yes! Yes, I’ll marry you.

Darren grins and swings Cassandra into a huge bear-hug. This time, he knows everything is going to be OK.
----- *** -----
A short time later, Cassandra and Bella settle into the remodelled Dreamer home. Cassandra and Darren quickly slip into a comfortable routine. One lazy Sunday, they’re reading the papers together when Darren exclaims out loud. Cassandra looks up.

Cassandra: What’s up?
Darren: Uh nothing…
Cassandra: Your face doesn’t look like nothing.
Darren hesitates, he looks worried.
Darren: Well… I guess you’re going to see this sooner or later. It’s about your mother – the police have made a statement.

Cassandra: Yesss… Go on.
Darren: It says here they’ve identified the spot where Bella… entered the lake. They found fragments of her clothing up on Lakeview Bridge. They’re asking for any witnesses who were in the area on Saturday 5th May 2001 to come forward. They’re especially interested in finding two young women who were caught on security cameras leaving the area.
Cassandra: Anything else?
Darren: Yes, they’ve confirmed that they’re treating your mother’s death as murder.

Cassandra’s composure begins to wobble. Darren quickly puts down his paper and rushes to comfort his fiancĂ©e.
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So Cass moved in with Darren? I guess that's reasonable. I'm glad you got Darren and Cass together. Two young women? I voted for one of the Caliente sisters. Dirk and Sophie make a nice couple.
Hmmm...the plot thickens!!
OOOOH!!! i knew it, its the sisters! GAWD, its going to end up not being them...right? Right!
Your writing style just gets better and better. This installment at the Dreamer home is perfect. I'm glad you have Sophie Miguel on board, she is a remarkable sim. Dirk and her should make a fortune together. I'm starting to let you persuade me the Caliente sisters did it, but that's too obvious! Or is it a double bluff, and they really are involved! I've gotta vote soon, and I still have no idea who for. Well done, I'm totally perplexed. ;)
I think it must be one or both of the Caliente sisters. They are bad news x2. The one out to get old man Mortimers money and the other has the hots for Don. Both have a motive to get Bella out of the picture.
Darren and Cass is perfect. I agree with Fini...the Caliente sisters is too obvious....heh I have never played Sophie Miguel. I will watch this with interest.
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