Thursday 6 September 2007

Goth Round 2

Goth House

Mortimer Goth (G1, Knowledge, Mad Scientist)
Cassandra Goth (G1, Family, 6 Grandkids)
Alexander Goth (G1, Family, 6 Grandkids)
Bella Goth (G2, Baby)

Last time in the Goth House: Mortimer told Cassandra and Alexander that their mother, Bella Goth, had been found at the bottom of Pleasantview Lake. Cassandra became pregnant by Don Lothario and gave birth to a baby girl, who she named Bella.

----- *** -----

Mortimer is on the phone.

Mortimer: Listen, I don’t want to talk to you… No, there’s nothing more to say… You’ve meddled in my family’s lives enough… And I don’t want you to mention Bella’s name to me ever again… No, Don, that’s all I have to say on the matter.

Mortimer slams down the phone.

----- *** -----

Cassandra is walking home from work, when she spies Don kissing Kaylynn.

Cassandra: You bastard! So this is why you weren’t returning my calls? You’ve been messing around with this tart?! Take that…

Cassandra: And that!

Cassandra: I never want to hear from you again. And here – you can have your stupid ring back.

Don: But, Cass, come on… You knew what I was like. I still care for you. And there’s little Bella to think about. Can’t we be civil – for Bella’s sake..?

Cassandra: *On the edge of tears* You… you… you CAD! Don’t you dare bring Bella’s name into this. My daughter has nothing to do with you, NOTHING!

Cassandra storms off.

----- *** -----

One day, Alexander is sorting through his mother’s belongings, when he discovers some letters. The letters are addressed to Bella Goth and have been put together using characters cut out from a newspaper. His curiosity aroused, Alexander opens the letters and is shocked by what he reads. He immediately sets out to find his Dad.

Alexander: Dad, I gotta talk to you. I was going through Mom’s things, and I found these…

Mortimer: *Looking puzzled* Heh? Let me see those…

Mortimer examines the letters with increasing rage.

Mortimer: These are hate letters! Who would write such slander about your mother? Look, it says here “YOU BITCH – I HATE YOU – YOU DESERVE TO DIE”.

Alexander: Maybe we should give these to the police? They must have something to do with Mom’s accident.

Mortimer: No. I think I’ll keep these. I don’t want others reading this filth. Will you promise to keep this secret?

Alexander: But Dad…

Mortimer: *Interrupting* Please, Alexander. For your mother’s sake. These letters are best destroyed.

----- *** -----

Cassandra is in the bedroom with Bella.

Bella: Mama!

Cassandra: Well done, sweetheart. Now, try Grandpa.

Bella: Gampa!

Cassandra: Who’s my clever little girl?

Bella: Ella!

Cassandra: That’s right, sweetheart. Now, I want you to be good for Grandpa this afternoon. Mommy has a date with a nice man.

Bella: Papa?

Cassandra: *Sighing* No, sweetie. Not, Papa. Now do you want to help Mommy get ready for her date?

----- *** -----

Later that afternoon, Cassandra heads to the park.

And after a fun but tiring afternoon…

Cassandra: Stop, please stop! I need a rest.

Darren: Ha! You younger women have no stamina! Come on, one more round. Winner takes all!

Cassandra: *Laughing* Please, Darren. You’ve won the last 4 rounds. Let’s rest here.

Darren: *Taking Cassandra’s hands* Thank you, Cass, for a wonderful afternoon.

Cassandra: I should be thanking you. I haven’t had so much fun in a long time. I’d forgotten what it was like to laugh.

Darren: Listen – the band are playing. Shall we dance?

Cassandra: *Protesting* What, here? In the park?

Darren: Why not? Come on – let’s enjoy the music…

When the music stops, Cassandra realizes she doesn’t want to let go. She likes the feel of Darren’s strong arms and finds herself pulling him closer. Then…

But suddenly, Darren breaks off.

Darren: I’m sorry Cass. I didn’t mean things to move so fast.

Cassandra: *Shyly* No, it’s OK. I mean – more than OK. Here, let’s try again.

----- *** -----

The next day, Cassandra heads off to work in high spirits. And when a run of bad luck results in demotion, she still comes home in a great mood…

Cassandra: *Singing* Look at me! Happy as can be!

Bella runs out to greet Cassandra.

Bella: Mom, you’re home! Why are you singing out here?.. Never mind, come inside… I want to show you my school report… Come on, hurry!

Cassandra: OK, slow down. I’m coming. And when you’ve finished your schoolwork, I have a treat planned. How would you like a more grown up hairstyle?

Bella: Yes! Yes! Yes! Can I have my hair like yours?

Cassandra: Maybe not exactly the same. But let’s see what we can do. And one more thing – I have a special visitor this afternoon and I’d like you to be nice to him.

Bella: Is it Papa?

Cassandra: No, sweetheart. It’s not Papa. But I think you’ll like him.

----- *** -----

That evening, Bella is playing chess with Darren, while Cassandra clears the dinner table.

Darren: OK, Bella. I hear you’re a great chess player. So, do you think you can beat me?

Bella: ‘Course I can! Uncle Alex taught me and he’s the Pleasantview Chess Master.

Darren: Well, we’ll see about that shall we? Your move…

Bella and Darren fall into silence as they both concentrate on the game. After a short while…

Bella: Are you and Mom best friends?

Darren: Well… I like to think so. You know I care for your Mom very much?

Bella: Yeah, I know. You should see how long it took Mom to get ready tonight. I thought the King of England was coming to dinner!

Darren: *Looking pleased* Really? So, you think your Mom likes me?

Bella: Ha! You’d have to be blind not to notice. ‘Course she likes you. Now come on, it’s your move.

Bella and Darren finish their game; neither of them noticing Cassandra who is watching happily from the doorway.

----- *** -----

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Kerry said...

Aww, that's sweet. I like Darren.

Ellie said...

Awwe, cute! I always liked Darren a whole lot better than Don. I wonder who wrote those letters though, and why Mortimer doesn't want to take them to the police. Hmmm...

aerisblue2000 said...

Nice update, but not many clues!
Suspicious that Mortimer wants to hide those letters - if I was him I would have handed them straight to the police.
Little Bella is cute, and I'm glad she likes Darren. He's a much better prospect for Cassandra, and I'm glad she's happy.

SpongebobTanu said...

Awww, so cute! Cass and Darren are so sweet together.

Unknown said...

Cassandra and Darren belong together, they are so sweet together and Darren deserves her way more then Don does.

Infinity-Nevermore said...

That's adorable. Bella is a lil cutie, and I'm glad that Cassandra and Darren are seeing each other. A much better choice than Don. That's suspicious, I'd take those letters to the cops ASAP.

ASimWen said...

Awww. Darren is good with little Bella. Looks like they are getting along well. Yep, what is Mortimer hiding by having those letter destroyed????