Pleasant House
Daniel Pleasant (G1, Romance, Top Slacker)
Mary-Sue Pleasant (G1, Fortune, Top 5 Businesses)
Lillith Pleasant (G1, Popularity, Top Military)
Angela Pleasant (G1, Popularity, Top Law)
Mary-Sue goes to work, leaving Daniel home alone.
Mary-Sue: Bye, Darling.
Daniel: Bye, Sweetheart. Have a good day.
Mary-Sue: You too – be good!
----- *** -----
Two hours later, the maid finishes for the day and asks Daniel if he would like her to stay.

Daniel: *Patting the bed* Why don’t you lie down beside me, right here.
And some time later…

Daniel: Mmm… that was beautiful, honey. Though I don’t know how much longer we can keep this up for. I think Mary-Sue suspects something. She may turn a blind eye to most of my infidelities, but this one is a little too close to home!
Kaylynn: Wait, what’s that sound?
Daniel: Hmm… that’s odd. It’s too early for Mary-Sue or the kids to be home.

Mary-Sue has been demoted at work due to an unlucky chance card.
Mary-Sue: *Calling* Daniel? Daniel, are you home? I’ve had the worst possible day at work. Oh! I didn’t expect you to still be here, Kaylynn. Are you only just finishing for the day?

Kaylynn nods and leaves hurriedly. Daniel breathes a sigh of relief and turns to his wife smiling.
----- *** -----
Mary-Sue and Daniel are at the breakfast table.

Daniel: I hear they found Bella’s body. I hope…
Mary-Sue: *Interrupting* Hush, let’s not talk about that now. The girls might hear…
Lillith and Angela enter arguing.
Lillith: I don’t know what you see in that Dustin Broke. He’s a complete loser.

Angela: Oh yeah? And what about Dirk Dreamer – lives alone with his crazy Dad? Dreams of making money when his Dad can’t even afford a new car?
Lillith: You bitch! Don’t you dare say another word against Dirk. And besides, his Dad has promised him a car for his birthday.

Angela: I’ll say what I like. Besides, it’s the truth!
Lillith: Shut your mouth.
Anglea: Why don’t you try and stop me?
Angela and Lillith fight while their parents look on despairingly.
----- *** -----
A few weeks later, Mary-Sue and Lillith are in the kitchen.
Lillith: Mom…

Mary-Sue: Mmm? What do you want now? I recognise that tone of voice.
Lillith: Dirk Dreamer has invited me to the movies tonight. I was wondering whether you could lend me some money?
Mary-Sue: Movies? You’re still grounded from sneaking out last weekend. You won’t be going to any movies tonight!

Lillith: But Mom. It’s the opening night of Sim Cop II. I have to go – everyone will be there!
Mary-Sue: No, Lillith. You’re still grounded and that’s my final word on the matter.
Lillith: I hate you! Take this!

Lillith storms out, leaving behind a shocked Mary-Sue.
----- *** -----
Mary-Sue and Daniel are talking in the hallway. The kids are out and Daniel looks worried.
Daniel: We really have to talk about Bella Goth.
Mary-Sue: Listen, Daniel. The less we talk about it the sooner we can forget what happened.
Daniel: I think you need to know something. The police are treating Bella's death as suspicious. They're interviewing everyone who knew her and I have to go down to the station tomorrow.
Mary-Sue: *In a scared voice* Oh, Daniel. What's going to happen? You don't think...
Daniel: No, don't worry about anything. Everything is going to be OK. Come on, I know a way to take your mind off things..

Mary-Sue and Daniel exit towards the bedroom.
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Daniel Pleasant (G1, Romance, Top Slacker)
Mary-Sue Pleasant (G1, Fortune, Top 5 Businesses)
Lillith Pleasant (G1, Popularity, Top Military)
Angela Pleasant (G1, Popularity, Top Law)
----- *** -----
Mary-Sue goes to work, leaving Daniel home alone.
Mary-Sue: Bye, Darling.
Daniel: Bye, Sweetheart. Have a good day.
Mary-Sue: You too – be good!
----- *** -----
Two hours later, the maid finishes for the day and asks Daniel if he would like her to stay.

Daniel: *Patting the bed* Why don’t you lie down beside me, right here.
And some time later…

Daniel: Mmm… that was beautiful, honey. Though I don’t know how much longer we can keep this up for. I think Mary-Sue suspects something. She may turn a blind eye to most of my infidelities, but this one is a little too close to home!
Kaylynn: Wait, what’s that sound?
Daniel: Hmm… that’s odd. It’s too early for Mary-Sue or the kids to be home.

Mary-Sue has been demoted at work due to an unlucky chance card.
Mary-Sue: *Calling* Daniel? Daniel, are you home? I’ve had the worst possible day at work. Oh! I didn’t expect you to still be here, Kaylynn. Are you only just finishing for the day?

Kaylynn nods and leaves hurriedly. Daniel breathes a sigh of relief and turns to his wife smiling.
----- *** -----
Mary-Sue and Daniel are at the breakfast table.

Daniel: I hear they found Bella’s body. I hope…
Mary-Sue: *Interrupting* Hush, let’s not talk about that now. The girls might hear…
Lillith and Angela enter arguing.
Lillith: I don’t know what you see in that Dustin Broke. He’s a complete loser.

Angela: Oh yeah? And what about Dirk Dreamer – lives alone with his crazy Dad? Dreams of making money when his Dad can’t even afford a new car?
Lillith: You bitch! Don’t you dare say another word against Dirk. And besides, his Dad has promised him a car for his birthday.

Angela: I’ll say what I like. Besides, it’s the truth!
Lillith: Shut your mouth.
Anglea: Why don’t you try and stop me?
Angela and Lillith fight while their parents look on despairingly.
----- *** -----
A few weeks later, Mary-Sue and Lillith are in the kitchen.
Lillith: Mom…

Mary-Sue: Mmm? What do you want now? I recognise that tone of voice.
Lillith: Dirk Dreamer has invited me to the movies tonight. I was wondering whether you could lend me some money?
Mary-Sue: Movies? You’re still grounded from sneaking out last weekend. You won’t be going to any movies tonight!

Lillith: But Mom. It’s the opening night of Sim Cop II. I have to go – everyone will be there!
Mary-Sue: No, Lillith. You’re still grounded and that’s my final word on the matter.
Lillith: I hate you! Take this!

Lillith storms out, leaving behind a shocked Mary-Sue.
----- *** -----
Mary-Sue and Daniel are talking in the hallway. The kids are out and Daniel looks worried.
Daniel: We really have to talk about Bella Goth.
Mary-Sue: Listen, Daniel. The less we talk about it the sooner we can forget what happened.
Daniel: I think you need to know something. The police are treating Bella's death as suspicious. They're interviewing everyone who knew her and I have to go down to the station tomorrow.
Mary-Sue: *In a scared voice* Oh, Daniel. What's going to happen? You don't think...
Daniel: No, don't worry about anything. Everything is going to be OK. Come on, I know a way to take your mind off things..

Mary-Sue and Daniel exit towards the bedroom.
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Hmmm ..... this pair obviously know something, but it seems they're just not telling - for now. Angela and Lilith are still fighting I see; nothing ever really changes in not so pleasant Pleasantview.
OK, I admit it. My curiousity is piqued, and I'm hooked. I love a good whodunnit! i fall for the obvious clues or is another the culprit...
I don't think the Pleasants did it. Too obvious and I took a hint from Four Corners. I see Lilith and Angela still can't get along. The funny thing is if they'd actually talk to each other civilly they'd get along. I tried it. It works. Oh well.
You have my interest, I love Pleasantview and all the characters there. I can't wait to see how you play them out.
The who done it reminds me of an old evening soap. Dallas and the "Who Shot JR" that was one season final, leaving the viewers guessing all summer long.
I wanted to say, I loved the fight that the sisters had. Sounds very real.
Hah...yeah, I had heard those two girls tend to fight. lol Very good..I too think the Plesants know somehting.
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