Dreamer House
Darren Darren (G1, Knowledge, Mad Scientist)
Dirk Dreamer (G1, Finance, Top 5 Businesses)
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Darren is on the phone.

Darren: Hi Cassandra! About the other day, I’d really like to talk with you… Uh, huh... Yes, I know you must be busy with the new baby. But can’t your Dad baby-sit for a few hours?... Please, Cassandra, it’s important… Great! See you in 30 minutes?... OK, bye then.
----- *** -----
30 minute later
Darren: Cassandra, I’m glad you came. *Stops and looks again* Wow, you look amazing!
Cassandra: *Blushes* Aw, thanks, Darren. After, Bella was born I was fed up with my old look and so I made a few changes. I’m glad you like it.

Darren: Like it? I’m speechless! I hope you’ll let me paint you.
Cassandra: Oh, I don’t know about that, maybe when I have more free time.
Darren: Sure, I understand. I suppose Don likes the new you?
Cassandra: Hmm. Well, ummm… Don and I aren’t together any more. It seems he wasn’t quite ready to be a father yet.
Darren: Oh, I see. Well, I’m sorry about that, I…

Cassandra: Don’t worry, Darren, you don’t have to lie. You never liked Don and I’m beginning to see why. Now that I have Bella to care for, I see things a lot more clearly. Don was never going to be good husband and father material. Anyway, you said you wanted to see me?
Darren: Oh, yeah, right. Well, the thing is…
Daren is interrupted by a loud screeching noise.
Cassandra: What in heavens was that?
Darren: Hmph! That’s Dirk taking Lillith for a spin in his new car. I can’t believe I was fool enough to buy him a car! He’s already learnt how to do hand break turns. Look, I better go check they’re alright. Can I call you later? We can finish our conversation then?
Cassandra: Yes, of course.
----- *** -----
Lillith: Phew! That was the best! Where did you learn to drive like that?

Dirk: Oh, you know. I’ve just been practising here and there.
Lillith: Will you tech me to drive? Mom and Dad won’t let me drive and besides they’d send me crazy in a car. You’d be a way better teacher.
Dirk: Of course I will, for a price!
Lillith: Oh, yeah? And what kind of payment did you have in mind?
Dirk: Come here and I’ll show you.

----- *** -----
Darren and Dirk are eating breakfast.
Darren: I’ve invited the headmaster around for dinner tonight and so I want you home early from school. No hanging around with Lillith, OK? I want you back here to help me clean the house and cook.
Dirk: Yeah, OK, Dad. But I don’t know why you want me to go to the Private School.

Darren: Well, you’re the one who keeps going on about money. And if you want to do well then a good education is the best start you can have in life.
Dirk: I guess you’re right. It’s just I’ll miss Lillith and all my friends.
Darren: You see plenty of Lillith as it is. She only lives down the street for goodness sake. Now, off you go. That’s the school bus I hear.
----- *** -----
That evening, Dirk comes home from school and starts preparing Pork Chops for the headmaster. His Dad gets home from work just before the headmaster arrives.
Darren: Look at me! Another promotion! I’ll be a Nutty Professor before you know it. Or do I mean Mad Scientist?

Dirk: Dad, get in here NOW. It was your idea to have the headmaster around so stop wasting time singing on the sidewalk. Look – I’ve cleaned the house and have the Pork Chops cooking. So all you have to do is be nice to the guy when he gets here.
Darren: Whoa! You’ve changed your tune, only yesterday you were asking me why Private School. What happened?
Dirk: I dunno really. I just woke up with a burning desire to get into Private School. So are you going to help me or what?
Two hours later - a well-fed and duly impressed headmaster departs.

Headmaster: Congratulations, Mr Dreamer. Dirk is a charming young man and I’m sure he will do well at Sim Masters School.
----- *** -----
Darren is on the phone to Cassandra again.

Darren: I've been wanting to tell you something for a long time, Cassandra... Yes, but please, let me finish. I have to say this... Cassandra, over the years I have watched you grow into a beautiful and intelligent woman and my feelings for you have changed... Please, let me finish! Cassandra, I think I'm falling in love with you.

Darren: *continuing* Cassandra..? CASSANDRA?... Are you still there?
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Darren Darren (G1, Knowledge, Mad Scientist)
Dirk Dreamer (G1, Finance, Top 5 Businesses)
----- *** -----
Darren is on the phone.

Darren: Hi Cassandra! About the other day, I’d really like to talk with you… Uh, huh... Yes, I know you must be busy with the new baby. But can’t your Dad baby-sit for a few hours?... Please, Cassandra, it’s important… Great! See you in 30 minutes?... OK, bye then.
----- *** -----
30 minute later
Darren: Cassandra, I’m glad you came. *Stops and looks again* Wow, you look amazing!
Cassandra: *Blushes* Aw, thanks, Darren. After, Bella was born I was fed up with my old look and so I made a few changes. I’m glad you like it.

Darren: Like it? I’m speechless! I hope you’ll let me paint you.
Cassandra: Oh, I don’t know about that, maybe when I have more free time.
Darren: Sure, I understand. I suppose Don likes the new you?
Cassandra: Hmm. Well, ummm… Don and I aren’t together any more. It seems he wasn’t quite ready to be a father yet.
Darren: Oh, I see. Well, I’m sorry about that, I…

Cassandra: Don’t worry, Darren, you don’t have to lie. You never liked Don and I’m beginning to see why. Now that I have Bella to care for, I see things a lot more clearly. Don was never going to be good husband and father material. Anyway, you said you wanted to see me?
Darren: Oh, yeah, right. Well, the thing is…
Daren is interrupted by a loud screeching noise.
Cassandra: What in heavens was that?
Darren: Hmph! That’s Dirk taking Lillith for a spin in his new car. I can’t believe I was fool enough to buy him a car! He’s already learnt how to do hand break turns. Look, I better go check they’re alright. Can I call you later? We can finish our conversation then?
Cassandra: Yes, of course.
----- *** -----
Lillith: Phew! That was the best! Where did you learn to drive like that?

Dirk: Oh, you know. I’ve just been practising here and there.
Lillith: Will you tech me to drive? Mom and Dad won’t let me drive and besides they’d send me crazy in a car. You’d be a way better teacher.
Dirk: Of course I will, for a price!
Lillith: Oh, yeah? And what kind of payment did you have in mind?
Dirk: Come here and I’ll show you.

----- *** -----
Darren and Dirk are eating breakfast.
Darren: I’ve invited the headmaster around for dinner tonight and so I want you home early from school. No hanging around with Lillith, OK? I want you back here to help me clean the house and cook.
Dirk: Yeah, OK, Dad. But I don’t know why you want me to go to the Private School.

Darren: Well, you’re the one who keeps going on about money. And if you want to do well then a good education is the best start you can have in life.
Dirk: I guess you’re right. It’s just I’ll miss Lillith and all my friends.
Darren: You see plenty of Lillith as it is. She only lives down the street for goodness sake. Now, off you go. That’s the school bus I hear.
----- *** -----
That evening, Dirk comes home from school and starts preparing Pork Chops for the headmaster. His Dad gets home from work just before the headmaster arrives.
Darren: Look at me! Another promotion! I’ll be a Nutty Professor before you know it. Or do I mean Mad Scientist?

Dirk: Dad, get in here NOW. It was your idea to have the headmaster around so stop wasting time singing on the sidewalk. Look – I’ve cleaned the house and have the Pork Chops cooking. So all you have to do is be nice to the guy when he gets here.
Darren: Whoa! You’ve changed your tune, only yesterday you were asking me why Private School. What happened?
Dirk: I dunno really. I just woke up with a burning desire to get into Private School. So are you going to help me or what?
Two hours later - a well-fed and duly impressed headmaster departs.

Headmaster: Congratulations, Mr Dreamer. Dirk is a charming young man and I’m sure he will do well at Sim Masters School.
----- *** -----
Darren is on the phone to Cassandra again.

Darren: I've been wanting to tell you something for a long time, Cassandra... Yes, but please, let me finish. I have to say this... Cassandra, over the years I have watched you grow into a beautiful and intelligent woman and my feelings for you have changed... Please, let me finish! Cassandra, I think I'm falling in love with you.

Darren: *continuing* Cassandra..? CASSANDRA?... Are you still there?
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Aww, poor Dirk--not looking too promising for him!
I have to wait to vote--not enough info yet! Although Don is always an easy villain--but he lost his meal ticket when Bella died. Hmmm.
Nutty Professor, lol.
Anyway, will Darren end up with Cassie, who looks hot since her makeover?
I can't vote yet until I have a bit more information on the suspects, although I never liked the Caliente sisters. Call it a hunch, but I don't think Darren has the bottle to kill someone. He's just a nice guy.
Anyway, hope Dirk enjoys Private School. What made him become so eager to get in I wonder?
Oh no, I'm already questioning motives, and we haven't met all the families yet. I suddenly feel like Miss Marple. Nice update!
I loved Four Corners and this mystery is already looking just as interesting. Can't wait for the next update. Though I'll have to withhold my judgement on the murderer until we've met all the families. I bet I'll be completely off anyway, lol
You do a fantastic job writing mysteries. I love it. I'll vote early and see what happens.
Oh no! Poor Dirk...i hope things work out for the guy.
Cassandra was smart to drop Don. And never let a teen behind the wheel of a vehicle. At least Lilith thinks it looks cool. Congrats on the Private School.
Oh dear. Did Cassandra faint? I just hope she's in a good kind of shock and that's not a sign of rejection.
Darren gets the short end of the stick quite often. I hope Darren and Cassie make it together. Dirk better watch himself behind the steering wheel! And congrats on Private School!
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