Lothario House
Don Lothario (G1, Romance, Top Slacker)

Last time in the Lothario House: Don seduced both Caliente sisters and was asked to visit the police station for an interview.
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Don has just got back from his interview with the police. He peers grimly in the mirror and notes his haggard features.
Don: *Talking to himself* Thank god that’s over. I hope I never have to spend another hour in a police interview room. God I need to get away from this place, it’s too depressing… That’s it! Why don’t I go away? Preferably somewhere hot with plenty of beautiful women…
Without a moment’s further thought, Don grabs the phone and dials the number of the local travel agent.

Don: Hello..? Yes – I’d like to book a vacation for a few days… Leaving immediately… Yes, I realize it’s short notice but I’d rather not wait… Where?.. Twikkii Island?.. Is there a beach?... Great, that sounds perfect… Thank you… Bye…
Don hangs up and rushes upstairs to pack a bag. Before long a shuttle bus pulls up outside his front door. Don can hardly get in quickly enough.

As the car pulls away. Dons sits back and breathes a sigh of relief.
----- *** ----
Don checks into his hotel and wastes no time in grabbing his swimming trunks and heading for the beach.

He has fun exploring the pirate ship and impressing the local girls with his fine physique.

Worn out by a busy day of not doing much, Don finds himself a quiet spot on the beach and prepares to sunbathe.

Don: *Thinking to himself* God, this is good. No office, no Pleasantview gossip, and best of all – no policemen.
Don neatly lays out his towel at the optimum angle to the sun and lowers himself down.
Don: Ahhh… This is better then Woohoo. *An image of the Caliente twins soaking in the hot-tub pops into Don’s mind* Well, maybe not better… but a very, close second…

Don drifts off to sleep. Before long he begins to mutter in his sleep.
Don: No, Bella…. No! Please stop. Bella… Bella!
Don wakes up with a start. The last remnants of his nightmare drift away and he groans to himself.
Don: God help me! This is no good. Even in this idyllic location, there’s no escape.
Morosely, Don packs up his belongings and heads back to the hotel.
----- *** ----
Don has been home for several weeks when he receives an unexpected visit from his favourite neighbour.
Nina: Don, sweetie. How was your vacation?

Don: Er, great, thanks. You should have come with me – I could have done with some beautiful company.
Nina: Tsk! I’d have cramped your style. I’m sure you had a whale of a time chatting up the local girls. Anyway, I have a favour to ask.
Don: Anything for you, sweetheart. Fire away!
Nina: I’ve had this massive row with Dina and I really need somewhere to stay.

Don: A row with Nina? What about?
Nina: Oh, I can’t tell you right now. But I really need to get away for a while. So, can I stay? It’ll just be for a few nights. I’ll sleep on the sofa and you’ll hardly know I’m here.
Don: Stay as long as you like. And Nina… I’m sure we can find somewhere more comfortable than the sofa.
----- *** ----
That afternoon, Nina moves into Don’s house, bringing with her a huge suitcase of clothes. They’re both surprised at how easy it is to live together. Don enjoys having a woman around who understands his romantic needs and Nina is relieved to spend time away from her sister. One morning they wake up late…
Nina: What! Is that the time! Quick Don, wake up! We’ll be late for work. I’ll take first shower.
Nina jumps out of bed and moves towards the bathroom. She hasn’t noticed Don sneaking up behind her. Don grabs her wrist and swings her into an embrace.
Don: Just one last kiss. Mmm… sure I can’t tempt you back into bed?

At that moment Kaylnn, the maid, walks in. She freezes in her tracks and her eyes travel downwards to Nina’s stomach. A look of fury creeps over her face.
Don senses her glowering presence and slowly turns round to face her, while Nina creeps into the bathroom.
Don: Kaylnn, honey! I wasn’t expecting you today.
Kaylnn: Clearly! And don’t you call me, honey. What are you doing with her? I trusted you, Don. I thought we had an understanding.
Don: Now come on, Kaylnn. Don’t you play the innocent with me. I know I’m not the only client you have “relations” with. Does the name Daniel Pleasant ring any bells?
Kaylnn: It was over with Daniel a long time ago. Anyway, that was different. I never cared for Daniel. But we… I thought we had an understanding. And now… you and she… have… How could you?!

Don: Kaylnn, sweetheart, I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Kaylynn: God, you disgust me! If you don’t know what I’m talking about then you’re a bigger fool then I thought. Now if you don’t mind I have work to do.
Kaylnn turns on her heel and with as much dignity as she can muster she strides out of the room. Don shrugs and follows Nina into the bathroom.
----- *** ----
That evening, Don is soaking in the hot tub and replaying the scene with Kaylynn in his mind. Something was not quite right and he tries to remember Kaylnn’s exact words. Suddenly, a light bulb goes off and Don springs out of the water.
Don: Nina? NINA?! Where are you?
Nina: *Shouting* I’m downstairs making dinner. D’you want Spaghetti or Salmon?
Don rushes downstairs and grabs Nina by the hands. Nina looks innocently up.

Don: You’re… you’re… pregnant?!
Nina: Ah… well, yes. It seems so.
Don: But why didn’t you tell me? This is wonderful news. I’m going to be a Dad again… Er… I am the father aren’t I?
Nina: Yes, yes, you are. But I didn’t expect you to be so pleased.
Don: Well, of course I am. Ever since little Bella was born I’ve longed to spend more time with her. There’s nothing more perfect then holding your own flesh and blood in your arms. Oh, Nina, this is perfect – we’re going to have a baby!

Nina looks bemused – this isn’t the Don she knows and loves. Then, impetuously, Don bends down on one knee.
Don: Nina, will you marry me?

Many thoughts flash through Nina’s mind - the size of the diamond, how cute Don looks kneeling in front of her, how hard life as a single mother would be. The diamond glitters invitingly.
Nina: Do you really mean this?
Don: Yes, yes I do. I may not make a perfect husband but I’ll work damn hard to be the best Dad. We work well together, Nina. Please, marry me.
Nina: OK, then. Let’s do it…
Don slips the ring onto Nina’s finger and she holds up her hand, admiring the way it catches the light.

----- *** ----
Months pass and Pleasantview recovers from the shock of Don Lothario and Nina Caliente settling down together. Not that Nina and Don lead a conventional life. Neither is willing to give up their network of “friends” and they both continue to entertain other sims when the opportunity arises. But true to his word, when their daughter, Sophia, is born, Don works hard to be a good Dad.

Don: There you go beautiful. Drink up for Daddy. Hmmm… you’re going to be a heartbreaker just like your mother. I hope you don’t spend money like her though. Yes, Mummy’s gone shopping again and I expect she isn’t buying anything for you or me.
Nina bursts through the front door. Her arms full of the day’s shopping.
Nina: Hi - I’m home! I’ll just take these things upstairs, I’ll be down in a sec.
As soon as Nina reaches the bedroom she heads straight for the mirror.

Nina: Hmm… Not bad. I like the hair – it’s softer, more womanly. I wonder if I can convince Don to baby sit tonight. I think the new me needs a night out on the town!
Nina rushes back downstairs to her husband and child.
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Don Lothario (G1, Romance, Top Slacker)

Last time in the Lothario House: Don seduced both Caliente sisters and was asked to visit the police station for an interview.
----- *** ----
Don has just got back from his interview with the police. He peers grimly in the mirror and notes his haggard features.
Don: *Talking to himself* Thank god that’s over. I hope I never have to spend another hour in a police interview room. God I need to get away from this place, it’s too depressing… That’s it! Why don’t I go away? Preferably somewhere hot with plenty of beautiful women…
Without a moment’s further thought, Don grabs the phone and dials the number of the local travel agent.

Don: Hello..? Yes – I’d like to book a vacation for a few days… Leaving immediately… Yes, I realize it’s short notice but I’d rather not wait… Where?.. Twikkii Island?.. Is there a beach?... Great, that sounds perfect… Thank you… Bye…
Don hangs up and rushes upstairs to pack a bag. Before long a shuttle bus pulls up outside his front door. Don can hardly get in quickly enough.

As the car pulls away. Dons sits back and breathes a sigh of relief.
----- *** ----
Don checks into his hotel and wastes no time in grabbing his swimming trunks and heading for the beach.

He has fun exploring the pirate ship and impressing the local girls with his fine physique.

Worn out by a busy day of not doing much, Don finds himself a quiet spot on the beach and prepares to sunbathe.

Don: *Thinking to himself* God, this is good. No office, no Pleasantview gossip, and best of all – no policemen.
Don neatly lays out his towel at the optimum angle to the sun and lowers himself down.
Don: Ahhh… This is better then Woohoo. *An image of the Caliente twins soaking in the hot-tub pops into Don’s mind* Well, maybe not better… but a very, close second…

Don drifts off to sleep. Before long he begins to mutter in his sleep.
Don: No, Bella…. No! Please stop. Bella… Bella!
Don wakes up with a start. The last remnants of his nightmare drift away and he groans to himself.
Don: God help me! This is no good. Even in this idyllic location, there’s no escape.
Morosely, Don packs up his belongings and heads back to the hotel.
----- *** ----
Don has been home for several weeks when he receives an unexpected visit from his favourite neighbour.
Nina: Don, sweetie. How was your vacation?

Don: Er, great, thanks. You should have come with me – I could have done with some beautiful company.
Nina: Tsk! I’d have cramped your style. I’m sure you had a whale of a time chatting up the local girls. Anyway, I have a favour to ask.
Don: Anything for you, sweetheart. Fire away!
Nina: I’ve had this massive row with Dina and I really need somewhere to stay.

Don: A row with Nina? What about?
Nina: Oh, I can’t tell you right now. But I really need to get away for a while. So, can I stay? It’ll just be for a few nights. I’ll sleep on the sofa and you’ll hardly know I’m here.
Don: Stay as long as you like. And Nina… I’m sure we can find somewhere more comfortable than the sofa.
----- *** ----
That afternoon, Nina moves into Don’s house, bringing with her a huge suitcase of clothes. They’re both surprised at how easy it is to live together. Don enjoys having a woman around who understands his romantic needs and Nina is relieved to spend time away from her sister. One morning they wake up late…
Nina: What! Is that the time! Quick Don, wake up! We’ll be late for work. I’ll take first shower.
Nina jumps out of bed and moves towards the bathroom. She hasn’t noticed Don sneaking up behind her. Don grabs her wrist and swings her into an embrace.
Don: Just one last kiss. Mmm… sure I can’t tempt you back into bed?

At that moment Kaylnn, the maid, walks in. She freezes in her tracks and her eyes travel downwards to Nina’s stomach. A look of fury creeps over her face.
Don senses her glowering presence and slowly turns round to face her, while Nina creeps into the bathroom.
Don: Kaylnn, honey! I wasn’t expecting you today.
Kaylnn: Clearly! And don’t you call me, honey. What are you doing with her? I trusted you, Don. I thought we had an understanding.
Don: Now come on, Kaylnn. Don’t you play the innocent with me. I know I’m not the only client you have “relations” with. Does the name Daniel Pleasant ring any bells?
Kaylnn: It was over with Daniel a long time ago. Anyway, that was different. I never cared for Daniel. But we… I thought we had an understanding. And now… you and she… have… How could you?!

Don: Kaylnn, sweetheart, I don’t know what you’re talking about.
Kaylynn: God, you disgust me! If you don’t know what I’m talking about then you’re a bigger fool then I thought. Now if you don’t mind I have work to do.
Kaylnn turns on her heel and with as much dignity as she can muster she strides out of the room. Don shrugs and follows Nina into the bathroom.
----- *** ----
That evening, Don is soaking in the hot tub and replaying the scene with Kaylynn in his mind. Something was not quite right and he tries to remember Kaylnn’s exact words. Suddenly, a light bulb goes off and Don springs out of the water.
Don: Nina? NINA?! Where are you?
Nina: *Shouting* I’m downstairs making dinner. D’you want Spaghetti or Salmon?
Don rushes downstairs and grabs Nina by the hands. Nina looks innocently up.

Don: You’re… you’re… pregnant?!
Nina: Ah… well, yes. It seems so.
Don: But why didn’t you tell me? This is wonderful news. I’m going to be a Dad again… Er… I am the father aren’t I?
Nina: Yes, yes, you are. But I didn’t expect you to be so pleased.
Don: Well, of course I am. Ever since little Bella was born I’ve longed to spend more time with her. There’s nothing more perfect then holding your own flesh and blood in your arms. Oh, Nina, this is perfect – we’re going to have a baby!

Nina looks bemused – this isn’t the Don she knows and loves. Then, impetuously, Don bends down on one knee.
Don: Nina, will you marry me?

Many thoughts flash through Nina’s mind - the size of the diamond, how cute Don looks kneeling in front of her, how hard life as a single mother would be. The diamond glitters invitingly.
Nina: Do you really mean this?
Don: Yes, yes I do. I may not make a perfect husband but I’ll work damn hard to be the best Dad. We work well together, Nina. Please, marry me.
Nina: OK, then. Let’s do it…
Don slips the ring onto Nina’s finger and she holds up her hand, admiring the way it catches the light.

----- *** ----
Months pass and Pleasantview recovers from the shock of Don Lothario and Nina Caliente settling down together. Not that Nina and Don lead a conventional life. Neither is willing to give up their network of “friends” and they both continue to entertain other sims when the opportunity arises. But true to his word, when their daughter, Sophia, is born, Don works hard to be a good Dad.

Don: There you go beautiful. Drink up for Daddy. Hmmm… you’re going to be a heartbreaker just like your mother. I hope you don’t spend money like her though. Yes, Mummy’s gone shopping again and I expect she isn’t buying anything for you or me.
Nina bursts through the front door. Her arms full of the day’s shopping.
Nina: Hi - I’m home! I’ll just take these things upstairs, I’ll be down in a sec.
As soon as Nina reaches the bedroom she heads straight for the mirror.

Nina: Hmm… Not bad. I like the hair – it’s softer, more womanly. I wonder if I can convince Don to baby sit tonight. I think the new me needs a night out on the town!
Nina rushes back downstairs to her husband and child.
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Whoa! I was definitely not expecting this one. So, they'll be forever engaged? And Don has another kid. Hopefully she won't pee in the shower. I like Nina's new clothes. Are you so good at maneuvering that they have all their entertainers around when the other is gone? Wow.
I wonder what the issue was between Nina and Dina? Hmmm....
Nina looks good with her makeover. It was odd for me to see Nina, I'm using Pleasantview as a challenge 'hood and Nina just starved to death last night ... lol.
*picks self off the floor* Don is married?!?
Don, he is so not the marrying type! I bet Cassandra is spitting feathers, because I would be.
Good point Kerry, what did the sister fall out over, they've been thick as thieves up until now.
I bet Sophia turns into a really pretty child - that's one thing Don does have, wonderful genes. Great update, can't wait for the next!
Hi all - Just to answer Fini's question about Don and Nina being egaged. I actually married them because I wanted Nina's child to have the Lothario name. Although, I'm not going for the points for keeping original names (both my female and male sims propose) I couldn't let the Lothario name die out! I didn't blog the marriage as it was an opportunistic ceremony made during a rare moment when both Romance Sims didn't have a fear of getting married!
Maybe the "row" was just a trick to get Don to take her then. Then she sprung the pregnancy on him. I bet she put something in his food or drink to temporarily make him forget he is all about romance and not kids.
I'm glad your keeping the Lothario lind going. It would be sad to let that die off.
Heh...Don and Nina married. I agree with aeris...Sophia will be beautiful!
Are we sure that Sophia is really Don's kid? Hmmmm????
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