Caliente House
Dina Caliente (G1, Fortune, 5 Top Businesses)
Last time in the Caliente House: Nina and Dina hear that Bella has been found and talk about sticking to their story. Dina invites Mortimer round and checks what he knows about Bella’s disappearance.
----- *** ----
Mortimer is visiting again. He and Dina are in the living room.

Dina: Morty, darling. It’s always so good to see you.
Mortimer finds himself leaning towards Dina’s seductive body but abruptly stops himself. He wonders for the umpteenth time why he finds this woman so alluring yet so aggravating.

Mortimer: How many times do I have to tell you, Dina? I hate it when you call me “Morty”.
Dina: Oh, I’m sorry, darling. How about I make you a nice, cold drink and we sit down somewhere comfortable?
Mortimer: Listen, Dina. I’m not here for a drink and friendly chat... Or whatever else you had in mind. I want you to tell me about the letters you sent to Bella.
Dina looks startled.
Dina: What letters? Morty… Mortimer…. I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Mortimer: Oh come on, Dina, don’t play innocent with me. You know perfectly well what I’m talking about - the nasty letters you were anonymously sending to my wife.
Dina: Well, if they were anonymous, what makes you think I sent them?
Mortimer: Because I recognize your sneaky style. And I know you and Bella fell out over your marriage to Michael Bachelor.

Dina: Well it’s about time you got your facts straight. Yes, Bella and I did have a disagreement over Michael. She thought I was after her brother’s money. But she was wrong. I loved Michael and besides he had lost all his money long before he married me. I was devastated when he died – and as you can see *Dina gestures around the small, cramped living room* he hardly left me in the lap of luxury.

Mortimer looks a little less sure of himself.
Mortimer: Well… I’m not sure what to believe… but whoever sent those letters was an evil and twisted person. I think I better be going now.
Mortimer lets himself out, leaving Dina feeling tired and dejected.
----- *** ----
Dina is on the phone to her sister. Dina’s voice drips with sarcasm.

Dina: Hi, Nina. I just wanted to congratulate you on your wedding… Ha! You don’t need to take that tone with me… Oh yeah? Why don’t you go cry to lover boy, then?... No, Nina, I haven’t decided what I’m going to do… Whatever I do, it will be my own decision and not yours… No, Nina, I won’t listen. I can’t live like this any more, it’s driving me crazy… Bye, Nina.

Dina slams down the phone and collapses on the sofa. She stares at the ceiling, a deep sense of loneliness stealing over her. A single teardrop forms in the corner of her eye. Angrily, Dina wipes it away and heads up to her bedroom. She has decided she needs a night out on the town.
----- *** ----
Dina is at a downtown night club. She’s been partying hard all night and is talking to a man she met that evening.

Dina: Well, now that we’ve shared a drink together, how about you tell me something about yourself. D’you earn much money?
Bill: Enough. Would it make a difference if I earned more?

Dina: *Laughing* what d’you take me for?! Come on – let’s get another round.
Bill: No, please. These cocktails are lethal. One more and you’ll have to carry me home!
Dina: Mmm… That’s not a bad idea. But first let’s dance – I want to see what kind of moves you have.
Dina grabs Bill’s hand and drags him onto the dance floor. Dina has clearly had a few too many cocktails and she clings to Bill for support. Bill appears to be enjoying the attention.

Dina: *Slurring her words* This is nice… You’re nice… How about we go back to my place?

Dina hiccups and smiles up at Bill. He nods his agreement and the two stagger out of the nightclub to find a taxi.
----- *** ----
A few months later, Dina has forgotten all about Bill and is working hard to reach the top of her career. One day, she comes home from work.
Dina: Ewwww… I feel sick.
Dina clutches her stomach, an alarming thought pops into her mind.

Dina: Oh, god, When was the last time I had my period?
Dina slowly counts the days in her head. Then she counts again…
Dina: No! I can’t be. Can I?
Dina rushes indoors to book an appointment with her doctor.
----- *** ----
Just two weeks later, Dina packs her suitcase and heads outside to catch the shuttle bus.

She’s been thinking hard about her predicament – she’s pregnant, alone and nearly penniless. Not a situation that the fortune-hungry Dina Caliente relishes. Dina can only think of one solution to her problem and she isn’t going to take no for an answer. As she gets into the bus she turns to her companion.

Dina: Bill, it’s wonderful to see you again. I’m so glad you could join me. When my sister cancelled at the last minute, I thought to myself – who would I most like to spend this vacation with? And of course I thought immediately of you.
Bill looks doubtful. He hasn’t spoken to Dina since the night they met. He had tried calling her once or twice but Dina was always out. So he was surprised when Dina called to invite him on vacation. But he wasn’t about to turn down a free trip with a beautiful woman.
----- *** ----
Dina and Bill arrive at the hotel and as soon as they have checked in, Dina persuades Bill to go shopping.

Dina: What do you think, Bill? Does this suit me?

Bill smiles indulgently, he finds Dina hard to resist.
Bill: Hmm… Not bad, but I think I can find better. Here, why don’t you try this one?

Dina looks at the price tag and then quickly smiles up at Bill.
Dina: Oh, Bill, I couldn’t possibly afford this.
Bill: Don’t worry, this one’s on me. Go on – try it on.
Dina happily skips off to the changing room. As she emerges, Bill’s breath catches in this throat.

Bill: *Thinking to himself* God this woman is gorgeous. What on earth does she see in me?
Dina: *Sighing* Oh, this is perfect. But, Bill, are you sure? It’s very expensive.
Bill: Yes, I’m sure. Now come on, let’s pay for the outfit and go explore this beautiful place.
Dina smiles her agreement and heads contentedly back to the changing room. The vacation is proceeding exactly as planned.
----- *** ----
It’s the last day of their vacation. Dina and Bill are enjoying some local food.

Bill: I want to thank you for inviting me, Dina. I’ve had the best few days – I hope we’ll see each other when we get back to Pleasantview.
Dina: Of course we will. In fact, I hope we’ll be seeing a lot of each other. Here, why don’t you try some more of this local wine? It’s very good.
Bill: OK, but don’t you want some? You don’t seem to be drinking much?

Dina: Well a girl has to watch her weight, you know. Here you go…
Bill sips his drink. The mix of sun, food and drink are making him feel light-headed.
Dina: Let’s go for a walk. There’s a shrine by the lake which I’d like to check out.
Bill gets unsteadily to his feet and takes Dina’s arm. As they approach the lake, Dina turns to Bill.

Dina: Bill, this is so perfect, I don’t want it to end. I know this may seem sudden, but… will you marry me?
The warmth of the local wine is flowing through Bill’s veins. He notices that Dina looks more beautiful than ever and suddenly marriage seems like a wonderful idea. He smiles dreamily.
Bill: Oh, Dina, I’d love to marry you…
Dina observes Bill’s drunken state and decides to push her advantage.
Dina: I know, let’s do it here, right now.
Bill: *Uncertainly* What, get married here?
Dina: Yes, right here.

Dina gazes up at Bill, willing him to agree. She takes his hands in hers and quietly slips a ring onto Bill’s finger.

Bill looks hazily at Dina, his brain is refusing to function but his body is urging him to do whatever Dina wants. Without waiting a moment longer, Dina seizes the moment and seals the wedding ceremony with a kiss.

----- *** ----
Just one month after retuning from their vacation and unexpected wedding, Dina’s pregnancy begins to show. Bill isn’t stupid and he realizes he has been duped. But in spite of this, he decides to stay with Dina. In many ways, he considers himself lucky to have landed such a beautiful and intelligent wife.

And when little Leo is born, Bill convinces himself that his life is complete.
----- *** ----
Dina Caliente (G1, Fortune, 5 Top Businesses)
Last time in the Caliente House: Nina and Dina hear that Bella has been found and talk about sticking to their story. Dina invites Mortimer round and checks what he knows about Bella’s disappearance.
----- *** ----
Mortimer is visiting again. He and Dina are in the living room.

Dina: Morty, darling. It’s always so good to see you.
Mortimer finds himself leaning towards Dina’s seductive body but abruptly stops himself. He wonders for the umpteenth time why he finds this woman so alluring yet so aggravating.

Mortimer: How many times do I have to tell you, Dina? I hate it when you call me “Morty”.
Dina: Oh, I’m sorry, darling. How about I make you a nice, cold drink and we sit down somewhere comfortable?
Mortimer: Listen, Dina. I’m not here for a drink and friendly chat... Or whatever else you had in mind. I want you to tell me about the letters you sent to Bella.
Dina looks startled.
Dina: What letters? Morty… Mortimer…. I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Mortimer: Oh come on, Dina, don’t play innocent with me. You know perfectly well what I’m talking about - the nasty letters you were anonymously sending to my wife.
Dina: Well, if they were anonymous, what makes you think I sent them?
Mortimer: Because I recognize your sneaky style. And I know you and Bella fell out over your marriage to Michael Bachelor.

Dina: Well it’s about time you got your facts straight. Yes, Bella and I did have a disagreement over Michael. She thought I was after her brother’s money. But she was wrong. I loved Michael and besides he had lost all his money long before he married me. I was devastated when he died – and as you can see *Dina gestures around the small, cramped living room* he hardly left me in the lap of luxury.

Mortimer looks a little less sure of himself.
Mortimer: Well… I’m not sure what to believe… but whoever sent those letters was an evil and twisted person. I think I better be going now.
Mortimer lets himself out, leaving Dina feeling tired and dejected.
----- *** ----
Dina is on the phone to her sister. Dina’s voice drips with sarcasm.

Dina: Hi, Nina. I just wanted to congratulate you on your wedding… Ha! You don’t need to take that tone with me… Oh yeah? Why don’t you go cry to lover boy, then?... No, Nina, I haven’t decided what I’m going to do… Whatever I do, it will be my own decision and not yours… No, Nina, I won’t listen. I can’t live like this any more, it’s driving me crazy… Bye, Nina.

Dina slams down the phone and collapses on the sofa. She stares at the ceiling, a deep sense of loneliness stealing over her. A single teardrop forms in the corner of her eye. Angrily, Dina wipes it away and heads up to her bedroom. She has decided she needs a night out on the town.
----- *** ----
Dina is at a downtown night club. She’s been partying hard all night and is talking to a man she met that evening.

Dina: Well, now that we’ve shared a drink together, how about you tell me something about yourself. D’you earn much money?
Bill: Enough. Would it make a difference if I earned more?

Dina: *Laughing* what d’you take me for?! Come on – let’s get another round.
Bill: No, please. These cocktails are lethal. One more and you’ll have to carry me home!
Dina: Mmm… That’s not a bad idea. But first let’s dance – I want to see what kind of moves you have.
Dina grabs Bill’s hand and drags him onto the dance floor. Dina has clearly had a few too many cocktails and she clings to Bill for support. Bill appears to be enjoying the attention.

Dina: *Slurring her words* This is nice… You’re nice… How about we go back to my place?

Dina hiccups and smiles up at Bill. He nods his agreement and the two stagger out of the nightclub to find a taxi.
----- *** ----
A few months later, Dina has forgotten all about Bill and is working hard to reach the top of her career. One day, she comes home from work.
Dina: Ewwww… I feel sick.
Dina clutches her stomach, an alarming thought pops into her mind.

Dina: Oh, god, When was the last time I had my period?
Dina slowly counts the days in her head. Then she counts again…
Dina: No! I can’t be. Can I?
Dina rushes indoors to book an appointment with her doctor.
----- *** ----
Just two weeks later, Dina packs her suitcase and heads outside to catch the shuttle bus.

She’s been thinking hard about her predicament – she’s pregnant, alone and nearly penniless. Not a situation that the fortune-hungry Dina Caliente relishes. Dina can only think of one solution to her problem and she isn’t going to take no for an answer. As she gets into the bus she turns to her companion.

Dina: Bill, it’s wonderful to see you again. I’m so glad you could join me. When my sister cancelled at the last minute, I thought to myself – who would I most like to spend this vacation with? And of course I thought immediately of you.
Bill looks doubtful. He hasn’t spoken to Dina since the night they met. He had tried calling her once or twice but Dina was always out. So he was surprised when Dina called to invite him on vacation. But he wasn’t about to turn down a free trip with a beautiful woman.
----- *** ----
Dina and Bill arrive at the hotel and as soon as they have checked in, Dina persuades Bill to go shopping.

Dina: What do you think, Bill? Does this suit me?

Bill smiles indulgently, he finds Dina hard to resist.
Bill: Hmm… Not bad, but I think I can find better. Here, why don’t you try this one?

Dina looks at the price tag and then quickly smiles up at Bill.
Dina: Oh, Bill, I couldn’t possibly afford this.
Bill: Don’t worry, this one’s on me. Go on – try it on.
Dina happily skips off to the changing room. As she emerges, Bill’s breath catches in this throat.

Bill: *Thinking to himself* God this woman is gorgeous. What on earth does she see in me?
Dina: *Sighing* Oh, this is perfect. But, Bill, are you sure? It’s very expensive.
Bill: Yes, I’m sure. Now come on, let’s pay for the outfit and go explore this beautiful place.
Dina smiles her agreement and heads contentedly back to the changing room. The vacation is proceeding exactly as planned.
----- *** ----
It’s the last day of their vacation. Dina and Bill are enjoying some local food.

Bill: I want to thank you for inviting me, Dina. I’ve had the best few days – I hope we’ll see each other when we get back to Pleasantview.
Dina: Of course we will. In fact, I hope we’ll be seeing a lot of each other. Here, why don’t you try some more of this local wine? It’s very good.
Bill: OK, but don’t you want some? You don’t seem to be drinking much?

Dina: Well a girl has to watch her weight, you know. Here you go…
Bill sips his drink. The mix of sun, food and drink are making him feel light-headed.
Dina: Let’s go for a walk. There’s a shrine by the lake which I’d like to check out.
Bill gets unsteadily to his feet and takes Dina’s arm. As they approach the lake, Dina turns to Bill.

Dina: Bill, this is so perfect, I don’t want it to end. I know this may seem sudden, but… will you marry me?
The warmth of the local wine is flowing through Bill’s veins. He notices that Dina looks more beautiful than ever and suddenly marriage seems like a wonderful idea. He smiles dreamily.
Bill: Oh, Dina, I’d love to marry you…
Dina observes Bill’s drunken state and decides to push her advantage.
Dina: I know, let’s do it here, right now.
Bill: *Uncertainly* What, get married here?
Dina: Yes, right here.

Dina gazes up at Bill, willing him to agree. She takes his hands in hers and quietly slips a ring onto Bill’s finger.

Bill looks hazily at Dina, his brain is refusing to function but his body is urging him to do whatever Dina wants. Without waiting a moment longer, Dina seizes the moment and seals the wedding ceremony with a kiss.

----- *** ----
Just one month after retuning from their vacation and unexpected wedding, Dina’s pregnancy begins to show. Bill isn’t stupid and he realizes he has been duped. But in spite of this, he decides to stay with Dina. In many ways, he considers himself lucky to have landed such a beautiful and intelligent wife.

And when little Leo is born, Bill convinces himself that his life is complete.
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That sounds just like something a Caliente would do. But to me that sounds more like a Nina move than a Dina move. As twisted as she sounds here, I shouldn't be surprised. I like that Downtownie. I forget his name in my hood...oh well. I like him. I'm still waiting to hear about her evil scheme.
Hmm... I see what you mean about it being a Nina move. Though I see Nina as being the light-hearted, Wohoo-obsessed sister who doesn't take life too seriously. While, Dina is a more determined character who can be conniving if it'll further her own ends.
Poor Bill--railroaded, all round! Dina is definitely determined to get her way. I was surprised, though, by the phone conversation with Nina--I'm really wondering about which sister was really involved, or if they both were....
This is such an awesome story. I love the tricks Dina plays.
Umm what did Dina put in Bill's drink? In my hood Bill's name is Neal. heh Well at least Dina married her baby's daddy instead of suckering some other guy into it.
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