Broke House
Brandi Broke (G1, Family, Golden Anniversary)
Remmington Harris (G1, Family, Golden Anniversary)
Dustin Broke (G1, Finance, Top Criminal)
Beau Broke (G1)
Joe broke (G2)

Last time in the Broke House: Brandi gave birth to her third son, Joe, and fell in love with Remmington Harris (the maid). Nina Caliente visited and told Brandi about Bella’s body being found.
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Dina and Brandi are in the kitchen, enjoying their weekly gossip.

Brandi: Hey, Dina, are you OK? I heard that you and Nina had a row or something?
Dina: Yeah, I don’t really want to talk about it right now. Tell me about you and Remi instead. I’ve not seen you this happy since Skip died.
Brandi looks a little shocked at this. Had she appeared happy when Skip died? Brandi didn’t like to dwell on her married life. Skip had been a heavy drinker and on his “bad” days he’d taken it out on his wife. Brandi pushes these troubling memories away and focuses on the present.
Brandi: Yes, Remi does make me happy. He’s kind, attentive and great with the boys.
Dina: I’m glad for you, Brandi. You deserve some happiness.
Dina stares miserably out of the window.
Brandi: Are you sure you’re OK, Dina? Come on, you know you can talk to me.

Dina: No, Brandi, I’m sorry – I really can’t. Not this time. Except… there is one thing that’s on my mind. I had an odd visit from Mortimer the other day.
Brandi: Yes?
Dina: He kept going on about some hate letters sent to Bella. He thought I’d written them. Why does everyone assume I’m behind all the bad things in Pleasantview?
At the mention of Bella’s letters, Brandi visibly pales.
Dina: Hey, you OK? You’ve gone white as a sheet.

Brandi pulls herself together and manages to smile. Then she busies herself filling the kettle at the kitchen sink
Brandi: Yes, yes. I’m fine. Would you like another coffee? Some more cake?
The conversation turns to safer subjects as Brandi and Dina discuss the new Superstore which had recently opened in Bluewater Village.
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Later that day, Remington comes home from work to find Brandi moping around in her pyjamas.
Remmington: Brandi, love, this isn’t like you. Why the miserable face?

Brandi: Oh, it’s nothing. I’m just worrying about Dustin.
Remmington: But Dustin is doing great now. He’s getting good grades and has won a place at Sim State. Come on, I know there’s something else wrong.

Brandi’s bottom lip wobbles. Why is it that Remmington can always make her cry? She’s normally so good at hiding her feelings and showing a brave face to the world. She’s certainly had enough practice – first at school where the other kids had teased her and then later with Skip.
Brandi: Oh, Remi. It’s just that I feel so ugly and useless. I’m a failure!

Remmington: Hey, don’t be silly. You’re a gorgeous, clever lady who has raised 3 boys all on her own. Why do you put yourself down like this?
Brandi: Because it’s true!
Remmington: No it’s not and I’m going to prove it to you. What you need is a bit of pampering. You’re always running around after others and not thinking about your own needs.

Before Brandi can protest, Remmington picks up the phone book to find the number for the Pleasantview Health Spa.
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A few weeks later, Brandi is home from her day at the Spa. Remmington has been working out in the yard. He comes into the house and sees the new Brandi for the first time.

Remmington: Oh, Brandi, you look… stunning.
Brandi: Really?

Remmington: Yes, yes, a thousand yeses.
Brandi: Well… I do feel kind of good. I’m not sure about the hair though.

Brandi pats her hair self-consciously.
Remmington: The hair is perfect. You’re perfect. Come on, I know what I want to do with you right now…
Remmington grabs Brandi and pulls her towards the bedroom.
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Dustin is on the phone to Angela Pleasant.

Dustin: Hey, Ange… Yeah, I’m good… Yeah, when are you leaving?.. This Saturday?... Nah, I got 1 more week at work… Yeah, it’s great we’re going to be in the same dorms… Lillith is doing what?... A Greek House?... Huh, that sister of yours. She hasn’t even got to Uni and she already has big plans... You wanna do something tonight?... That sounds good, see you then… Bye.
Dustin heads to the bathroom to get ready for his date. He peers at his face in the bathroom mirror.

Dustin: Ah no! Not another one. I can’t let Ange see me looking like this. Where’s that cream Mom bought… This better work.

Dustin dabs some acne cream on his face and admires the results.
Dustin: That’s better, you handsome devil!
Dustin grins at his image as he imagines what he will do with Angela that evening.
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Time passes quietly in the Broke household. Dustin leaves for University and Remmingtom works on his relationship with Beau and Joe.
Remmington: And then the little piggy said to the big piggy... Hey, Joey, what's up? You need to go potty?

Joe: Uh huh... Joey big boy now...
And with those final childish words, Joe grows up. Brandi rushes in just in time to see the transition.

As the family celebrate little Joe's birthday. Nobody notices that Beau is also undergoing a transition of his own.

Beau has less interest in girls and fast cars than his big brother - he decides to dedicate himself to a life of learning.
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I'm amazed at how good-looking Beau is. So, did Brandi send those hate letters? I wouldn't put it past her, with her and Bella's history. Dustin and Angela are still together? For some reason, I thought they weren't. Oh well. Brandi's makeover is a long time coming. Remington is a doll. Don't trade him in!
Yes - Dustin and Angela are still together. Lillith and Dirk Dreamer split up though, and Dirk started taking an interest in Sophie Miguel.
I like Brandi. Brand's not evil. It's the evil Cassandra who did it. Or that evil Darren Dreamer, trying to get it balmed on Don, so that he and Cass can get together. Cass is evil. Actually so is Angela Pleasent, miss goody goody two shoes. Poor Dustin being smitten with her. He'll see sense, he'll relaise Angela's evil, and only playing the innocent.
I've always loved Brandi. She was the very first sim I played in Sims 2. I refuse to believe she's guilty of anything serious--but maybe she did lose her temper and write nasty letters, and now she's ashamed of herself. She should go to Mortimer and confess, get it off her shoulders.
Love Brandi's new makeover. Ohhh the boys are growing up. That Dustin...such a player!
Brandi is one of my favorite in Pleasantview. Love the makeover for her.
There is a little black cloud over Brandi. What exactly happened to her husband. He is dead but without a tombstone. Makes me wonder, just a little, that something very bad happened to him. Maybe the person who is responsible for Bella is also responsible for the missing Mr. Broke.
Great progress! I must say the Brokes are my favorite family. It seems as though people always make Beau Knowledge, I don't know why.
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