Caliente House
Dina Caliente (G1, Fortune, Top Criminal)
Bill Caliente (G1, Fortune, Top Criminal)
Leo Caliente (G2)
Last time in the Caliente House: Mortimer accused Dina of having written hate letters to Bella. Dina met Bill during a night out on the town and ended up pregnant. Nina took Bill on vacation and “tricked” him into marrying her. Baby Leo was born.
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It’s evening and Dina is bathing Leo.
Dina: Who’s Momma’s big boy then?
Leo: Lee-Lee!

Dina: That’s right, sweetheart, you are.
Leo is a happy and easy-going child. He has an exceptionally nice character and Dina often wonders how this perfect being resulted from such an unpromising union. Dina stands up holding the damp toddler tight.
Dina: Oh, Leo. I love you so much. Having you has changed everything. I’ll do anything to protect you. Anything…
Dina leaves the room, humming softly to the sleepy Leo.
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Dina and Bill both work in the Criminal career track. One day they come home from work and gossip about the day’s events.

Dina: Well, who would’ve thought Mary-Sue Pleasant had it in her!
Bill: Hmph! I’m not so surprised. She’s always been a sly one.
Dina: I was terrified when I heard that police siren.

Bill: Yes, thank god, they weren’t coming for us.
Dina: Well the hand-off went well and at least next time we can get our minions to do the dirty work. Have you any more jobs lined up?
Bill: I’m not sure. Mary-Sue is pleased with our work – she wants to meet me tomorrow about a big job in Sim City.

Dina: Sim City! Be careful, Bill. The Pleasantview police are too dumb and lazy to catch us. But Sim City - that’s a different ball game.
Bill: Don’t worry, love. You know I’m always careful. Just a few more jobs and we’ll have enough money to retire.
The nanny walks downstairs carrying Leo. Bill and Dina abruptly change the conversation and join Leo and the Nanny in the kitchen. They are just in time to see Leo grow up.

----- *** -----
A few days later, Don Lothario visits. As soon as Dina spots Don she tries to hide, but it’s too late. Don has already seen her and is determined to talk.
Don: Dina, wait up! I have to talk to you.

Reluctantly, Dina turns to face Don.
Dina: Yes, what is it?
Don: Nina told me. I know you saw me by the Lake that night.
Dina: Go away, Don. I don’t want to talk about this.

Don: But we must. You have it all wrong. I didn’t do anything to Bella.
Dina is angry now. She has been keeping too many secrets and the strain is beginning to show.
Dina: I know what I saw, Don. Now, please, just leave.
Dina turns to go but Don stops her.

Don: Why won’t you listen to me? We were once friends… Please, Dina, just give me a chance to explain…
Dina: No, Don. I won’t listen. You may have Nina wrapped around your little finger. But not me.
And with these bitter words, Dina escapes back into the house.
----- *** -----
Several days later, Bill is looking after Leo. Dina takes the opportunity to invite Brandi around for a private chat.
Dina: Brandi! Thanks for coming round at such short notice.

Brandi: Well, you sounded worried on the phone. Is there something up? Is Leo OK?
Dina: Yes, yes. Leo is fine. It’s something else.
Brandi: Is this to do with you and Nina? I know you two haven’t talked for years.

Dina sighs and nods.
Dina: Yes. I can’t take this any more and I don’t know who else to turn to…
Without a second thought, Dina pours out the whole story. She tells Brandi all about how she and Nina had seen Don arguing with Bella Goth on the night of Bella’s disappearance.
Brandi: *Sounding shocked* But, Dina. This is serious! How have you kept this secret for so long? Does Bill know?

Dina: Nobody knows, except me and Nina... and now you. At first, I kept quiet for Nina’s sake. She begged me to protect Don. Besides I’m not especially fond of the police. But now… I’m not so sure. Old Mortimer deserves to know what happened to his wife. Also, there’s Cassandra and Alexander to think about…
Brandi: I agree. I think you should tell the police. You’re withholding evidence for Christ’s sake!

Dina: But I’m scared, Brandi. My sister is married to Don now.
Brandi: I understand. It's been a long time. But there are too many secrets in Pleasantview. Anyway, you think about it – I'm sure you’ll do whatever you think is right. And, Nina... you can always call me any time you need someone to talk to.

As Brandi leaves, Dina nods slowly. She knows Brandi is right. Later that evening, Dina heads to the kitchen and dials the number for the local police station.
Dina: Hello… My name is Dina Caliente and I have information about Bella Goth’s disappearance… Yes, of course I can come in for a statement… Right now?.. OK, I’ll be there in 30 minutes.

Dina replaces the receiver and without saying a word to her family, makes her way to the car.
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Dina Caliente (G1, Fortune, Top Criminal)
Bill Caliente (G1, Fortune, Top Criminal)
Leo Caliente (G2)
Last time in the Caliente House: Mortimer accused Dina of having written hate letters to Bella. Dina met Bill during a night out on the town and ended up pregnant. Nina took Bill on vacation and “tricked” him into marrying her. Baby Leo was born.
----- *** -----
It’s evening and Dina is bathing Leo.
Dina: Who’s Momma’s big boy then?
Leo: Lee-Lee!

Dina: That’s right, sweetheart, you are.
Leo is a happy and easy-going child. He has an exceptionally nice character and Dina often wonders how this perfect being resulted from such an unpromising union. Dina stands up holding the damp toddler tight.
Dina: Oh, Leo. I love you so much. Having you has changed everything. I’ll do anything to protect you. Anything…
Dina leaves the room, humming softly to the sleepy Leo.
----- *** -----
Dina and Bill both work in the Criminal career track. One day they come home from work and gossip about the day’s events.

Dina: Well, who would’ve thought Mary-Sue Pleasant had it in her!
Bill: Hmph! I’m not so surprised. She’s always been a sly one.
Dina: I was terrified when I heard that police siren.

Bill: Yes, thank god, they weren’t coming for us.
Dina: Well the hand-off went well and at least next time we can get our minions to do the dirty work. Have you any more jobs lined up?
Bill: I’m not sure. Mary-Sue is pleased with our work – she wants to meet me tomorrow about a big job in Sim City.

Dina: Sim City! Be careful, Bill. The Pleasantview police are too dumb and lazy to catch us. But Sim City - that’s a different ball game.
Bill: Don’t worry, love. You know I’m always careful. Just a few more jobs and we’ll have enough money to retire.
The nanny walks downstairs carrying Leo. Bill and Dina abruptly change the conversation and join Leo and the Nanny in the kitchen. They are just in time to see Leo grow up.

----- *** -----
A few days later, Don Lothario visits. As soon as Dina spots Don she tries to hide, but it’s too late. Don has already seen her and is determined to talk.
Don: Dina, wait up! I have to talk to you.

Reluctantly, Dina turns to face Don.
Dina: Yes, what is it?
Don: Nina told me. I know you saw me by the Lake that night.
Dina: Go away, Don. I don’t want to talk about this.

Don: But we must. You have it all wrong. I didn’t do anything to Bella.
Dina is angry now. She has been keeping too many secrets and the strain is beginning to show.
Dina: I know what I saw, Don. Now, please, just leave.
Dina turns to go but Don stops her.

Don: Why won’t you listen to me? We were once friends… Please, Dina, just give me a chance to explain…
Dina: No, Don. I won’t listen. You may have Nina wrapped around your little finger. But not me.
And with these bitter words, Dina escapes back into the house.
----- *** -----
Several days later, Bill is looking after Leo. Dina takes the opportunity to invite Brandi around for a private chat.
Dina: Brandi! Thanks for coming round at such short notice.

Brandi: Well, you sounded worried on the phone. Is there something up? Is Leo OK?
Dina: Yes, yes. Leo is fine. It’s something else.
Brandi: Is this to do with you and Nina? I know you two haven’t talked for years.

Dina sighs and nods.
Dina: Yes. I can’t take this any more and I don’t know who else to turn to…
Without a second thought, Dina pours out the whole story. She tells Brandi all about how she and Nina had seen Don arguing with Bella Goth on the night of Bella’s disappearance.
Brandi: *Sounding shocked* But, Dina. This is serious! How have you kept this secret for so long? Does Bill know?

Dina: Nobody knows, except me and Nina... and now you. At first, I kept quiet for Nina’s sake. She begged me to protect Don. Besides I’m not especially fond of the police. But now… I’m not so sure. Old Mortimer deserves to know what happened to his wife. Also, there’s Cassandra and Alexander to think about…
Brandi: I agree. I think you should tell the police. You’re withholding evidence for Christ’s sake!

Dina: But I’m scared, Brandi. My sister is married to Don now.
Brandi: I understand. It's been a long time. But there are too many secrets in Pleasantview. Anyway, you think about it – I'm sure you’ll do whatever you think is right. And, Nina... you can always call me any time you need someone to talk to.

As Brandi leaves, Dina nods slowly. She knows Brandi is right. Later that evening, Dina heads to the kitchen and dials the number for the local police station.
Dina: Hello… My name is Dina Caliente and I have information about Bella Goth’s disappearance… Yes, of course I can come in for a statement… Right now?.. OK, I’ll be there in 30 minutes.

Dina replaces the receiver and without saying a word to her family, makes her way to the car.
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I loved the bath time scenario with little Lee Lee.
The shot with Don telling Dina to give him a chance to explain. He has his hands up as if he wants to explain it all with his hands. (Don we know what your really thinking) Dina is looking at his hands. Funny shot. Good for you Dina for not being tricked.
Mean of you to leave us hanging and wondering if Dina goes through with telling the police about Don's fight with Bella. Did she do it? Did her sister get a "feeling" and change her mind before she talked to the police? So much could happen.
Leo is cute. And I'm glad Dina and Bill stuck it out. It wasn't the best of beginnings, but they seem to work well together.
But Don didn't do anything! I think. Besides, Missy, you're hiding something too. Don't be so pigheaded! *fuss*
They all have secrets in their past...but I'm not at all sure about who really knows about Bella. I'm just hoping it's not Brandi. She has a funny expression on her face as she encourages Dina to go to the authorities....
You guys crack me up - I love all the debate around "who did it". I confess I have been tempted a few times to change my storyline (I had it all planned out since early in round 1) but I have stuck to my original plan throughout. Anyway, for the curious, if you check out my Table of Contents you will see that all will be revealed in a special episode at the end of round 4…
eeee! I can't wait for the special episode. =)
Hahaha Dina is gonna spill the beans...
Where did you get dina's shirt"?
whare did u git dina' outfit"?
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