In the beginning, there were 6 families…
“Cassandra is ready to start a family of her own, but can she tame the town Cassanova? And can Mortimer bounce back after the disappearance of his wife Bella?”

Cassandra, Mortimer and Alexander Goth
Mortimer and Bella were childhood sweethearts. Bella was everything to Mortimer and their life together was a happy one, at least on the surface.

Mortimer marries Bella
Their first child was a girl, Cassandra. Mortimer was the happiest man alive and he doted on his two girls, Bella and Cassandra. Yet Mortimer secretly hoped for a son. As he became older he began to accept he may never have a son to continue the Goth name. Then unexpectedly Bella fell pregnant for a second time. This time it was a boy and they named him Alexander.

Cassandra Plays with Alexander
But all was not well in the Goth household. Bella was spending more and more time away from home. She was often spotted leaving Don Lothario’s home late at night.

Bella and Don Lothario
Then one ordinary spring day, Bella disappeared from Pleasantview and was never heard from again. This prosperity story begins several years after Bella’s disappearance.
“Cassandra is ready to start a family of her own, but can she tame the town Cassanova? And can Mortimer bounce back after the disappearance of his wife Bella?”

Cassandra, Mortimer and Alexander Goth
Mortimer and Bella were childhood sweethearts. Bella was everything to Mortimer and their life together was a happy one, at least on the surface.

Mortimer marries Bella
Their first child was a girl, Cassandra. Mortimer was the happiest man alive and he doted on his two girls, Bella and Cassandra. Yet Mortimer secretly hoped for a son. As he became older he began to accept he may never have a son to continue the Goth name. Then unexpectedly Bella fell pregnant for a second time. This time it was a boy and they named him Alexander.

Cassandra Plays with Alexander
But all was not well in the Goth household. Bella was spending more and more time away from home. She was often spotted leaving Don Lothario’s home late at night.

Bella and Don Lothario
Then one ordinary spring day, Bella disappeared from Pleasantview and was never heard from again. This prosperity story begins several years after Bella’s disappearance.
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“On the surface, Daniel and Mary-Sue Pleasant seem to have the perfect life, but is their love a flimsy façade? And can Angela and Lilith make the right choices when it comes to love?”

Mary-Sue, Daniel, Lillith & Angela Pleasant
Daniel was a promising athlete when he met Mary-Sue. He was also popular with the ladies and in no hurry to settle down. But then Mary-Sue fell pregnant and for once in his life Daniel did the honourable thing…

Daniel marries Mary-Sue
Just 5 months after the wedding, Mary-Sue gave birth – to twins.

Lillith and Angela are born
However, marriage did little to tame Daniel and while Mary-Sue worked hard to keep the family together, Daniel dreamed of romance. Mary-Sue was under no illusions about her husband. She suspected him of having affairs with many women including their neighbour, Bella Goth. Like many women in Pleasantview, Mary-Sue was not unhappy when Bella vanished from the neighbourhood.
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“Darren is pursuing his dream of being an artist, while his son Dirk hits the books. And Darren may have found his muse, but will his creativity be enough to win Cassandra's affection?”

Darren & Dirk Dreamer
Darren lost his wife, Darleen, to a rare and incurable Sim disease. Since then he has dedicated himself to his art and bringing up his only son, Dirk.

Darren and Dirk Mourn
Darren and Bella Goth were special friends and after Bella’s disappearance Darren made a special effort to look out for the Goth family. Over the years, he watched Cassandra mature into a bright and charming Sim. And as he did so, something unexpected happened, Darren fell in love for the second time his life.
“Darren is pursuing his dream of being an artist, while his son Dirk hits the books. And Darren may have found his muse, but will his creativity be enough to win Cassandra's affection?”

Darren & Dirk Dreamer
Darren lost his wife, Darleen, to a rare and incurable Sim disease. Since then he has dedicated himself to his art and bringing up his only son, Dirk.

Darren and Dirk Mourn
Darren and Bella Goth were special friends and after Bella’s disappearance Darren made a special effort to look out for the Goth family. Over the years, he watched Cassandra mature into a bright and charming Sim. And as he did so, something unexpected happened, Darren fell in love for the second time his life.
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“Who is Don Lothario? Is his engagement to Cassandra Goth genuine? And what about the rumor that her mother, Bella, was last seen scaling the deck of his condo?”

Don Lothario
Don Lothario was a man with many interests, or to be more accurate - many female interests.

Don and the Caliente Sisters
Don lived life carelessly, relying on his older, female friends for financial support. So when Bella Goth disappeared, Don lost a close friend and his principal source of income. The money collectors began to line up on his doorstep and Don needed to find a solution. That was when he noticed Bella’s grown up daughter for the first time.

Don and Cassandra
On her 21st birthday, Cassandra gained access to a sizeable trust fund. Not long after that, Don proposed marriage and Cassandra accepted.
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“Was it just coincidence that the Caliente sisters arrived on the eve of Bella's disappearance? And is their interest in Mortimer physical... or fiscal?”

Nina and Dina Caliente
Dina was always a high maintenance sort of girl. She saw dollar signs everywhere and when she met Michael Bachelor she was immediately charmed by his generosity. Dina and Michael’s courtship was short – too short according to many. Even Dina’s sister, Nina, was put out by the sudden wedding.

Dina marries Michael Bachelor
Bella Goth did not take to her new sister-in-law. She was convinced that Dina had tricked Michael into marrying her. And when Michael died suddenly, Bella was not prepared to let it go. She was certain her brother had been harmed in some way.
The Caliente sisters moved to Michael’s Pleasantview bachelor pad the day of Bella’s disappearance. They were quick to make an impression, especially on the male population. Soon after moving in, Nina and Dina sought out Mortimer Goth.

The Caliente Sisters Visit Mortimer
It was not clear whether the sisters were interested in old Mortimer or finding out whether Bella had confided anything to him. Either way, Mortimer was happy to entertain two beautiful young women.
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“Brandi was left to raise two boys alone following her husband's suspicious pool ladder accident. With Dustin acting out, can Brandi teach young Beau to make the right choices in life?”

Brandi, Beau & Dustin Broke
Life had been cruel to Brandi. She was bullied at school for her old clothes and dowdy looks. Bella, who was the leader of the popular kids, was especially cruel. Brandi fell pregnant while still in high school and subsequently dropped out of school to marry Skip.

Skip Proposes
Dustin was born just after the wedding and ten years later Brandi’s second son, Beau, was born.

Brandi Pregnant
Skip was a good father but a terrible husband. He drank heavily and was not always gentle with Brandi. When Skip fell into the unfinished swimming pool and drowned, the coroner ruled it was an accident.
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Several years have passed since Bella disappeared from Pleasantview, read on to find out what happens next to these 6 families.
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A promising start, Sally! I'm sad that Four Corners is gone, but I know you'll do amazing things with this project.
I really like your narrative and the thought bubble pictures. very creative.
Hi Tanu - I can't really take credit for the thought bubble pictures, as I used the pics that came with the game. But thanks for your comments!
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