Special Episode
Location: The Goth Mansion on a Cold Winter's Day

Mortimer's Urn

Mortimer's Urn
The residents of Pleasantview are gathered in the Goth Mansion to say farewell to Mortimer Goth. Mortimer had been a well known and respected member of the community. He had been especially admired for his scientific contributions to society. His most notable discovery being the Elixir of Life which is still secretly imbibed by several Pleasantview sims. He had also been respected for his loyalty to his beautiful but wayward wife, Bella Goth.

Mortimer and Family in Happier Times
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After a moving ceremony and plentiful food and drink, Alexander stands and calls for attention.

Alexander Calls for Attention
Alexander: Friends, neighbours and family. We’re assembled here to say goodbye to my father, Mortimer Goth. Cassandra and I have already talked at length about Dad and we’ve all had a chance to enjoy some food, wine and fond memories. But there is something else I must tell you all.
Alexander’s voice is grave and he shares a sad look with Cassandra. He and Cassandra are the only sims to know what is coming next. It has been a difficult decision but they know they are doing the right thing.

Alexander and Cassandra
Alexander: Before my father died he wrote a letter and left it in the safe keeping of his solicitor. The contents of the letter affect many here and I would like to read it now. It concerns the death of my mother, Bella Goth.
There is a ripple of curiosity across the room. Nina catches Don Lothario’s eyes and reaches out to hold his hand.
Alexander: *Reading from letter* Greetings all! If you are hearing my words today then someone has been accused of my wife’s murder. I intend to give this letter to my solicitor with instructions to pass it to my son in the event of an arrest. I can guess which unfortunate sim has fallen under suspicion. And though I have my own reasons for feeling anger towards Don Lothario, I do not wish for him to suffer false accusation.
At the mention of Don’s name, Nina jumps up angrily.

Nina Reacts
Nina: I don’t think we need to go through this. The police have dropped all charges against Don. What do we all gain by dragging up the whole horrible mess again?
Don: Shush, Nina. It’s OK. I can defend myself. I am sure everyone knows about my arrest and that I have been cleared. In fact, I suspect Mortimer’s letter may have helped clear my name.
Alexander nods in agreement.
Alexander: Yes, that’s correct. I showed the letter to the police and together with other evidence it was enough to ensure your unconditional release.
Don: But what I want to know is why was I arrested in the first place?
Nina looks worried and glances over at her sister. Nina knows full well why Don was arrested but she hasn’t had the nerve to tell him. After calling Dina, the two sisters had met for coffee and finally reconciled their differences. As Nina hesitates, torn between her husband and sister, Dina bravely speaks out.
Nina: I don’t think we need to go through this. The police have dropped all charges against Don. What do we all gain by dragging up the whole horrible mess again?
Don: Shush, Nina. It’s OK. I can defend myself. I am sure everyone knows about my arrest and that I have been cleared. In fact, I suspect Mortimer’s letter may have helped clear my name.
Alexander nods in agreement.
Alexander: Yes, that’s correct. I showed the letter to the police and together with other evidence it was enough to ensure your unconditional release.
Don: But what I want to know is why was I arrested in the first place?
Nina looks worried and glances over at her sister. Nina knows full well why Don was arrested but she hasn’t had the nerve to tell him. After calling Dina, the two sisters had met for coffee and finally reconciled their differences. As Nina hesitates, torn between her husband and sister, Dina bravely speaks out.

Don Lothario and Dina Caliente
Dina: Oh Don, I am so sorry. It was me… I told the police all about seeing you that night. You know I saw you alone with Bella - right by the lake. I had kept it secret for so long and I couldn’t bear it any longer. It was eating me up…
Don: But Dina, I tried to explain to you. I didn’t hurt Bella. Yes, I was there that night but…

Don and Dina
Dina: Oh Don, I am so sorry. It was me… I told the police all about seeing you that night. You know I saw you alone with Bella - right by the lake. I had kept it secret for so long and I couldn’t bear it any longer. It was eating me up…
Don: But Dina, I tried to explain to you. I didn’t hurt Bella. Yes, I was there that night but…

Don and Dina
Alexander: *Interrupting* It’s OK, Don. My Dad’s letter explains everything. Perhaps I should continue reading?
Don sighs miserably. He has no desire to relive the events of that night but it is unavoidable.
Don: Yes. Please go on.
Alexander resumes reading from Mortimer’s letter.
Alexander: Don is innocent of murder, although he is by no means an innocent man in my eyes. But let me start at the beginning. I always knew Bella enjoyed dalliances. However we had an understanding and she was discrete. I never met her “friends” and I always came first in her life. But then Don Lothario moved to Pleasantview. Don was a neighbour and should have been off limits. Bella had learnt that lesson some years ago when I caught her flirting with Skip Broke.
On hearing her first husband’s name, Brandi lets out a loud sob. Remington turns to his wife with concern.

Brandi Cries
Remington: Brandi, are you OK?
Brandi says nothing, her eyes fill with tears of horror and fear. Alexander is uncertain how to proceed, he glances from Brandi and then back to the letter.
Remington: Honey, please answer me. Do you want to leave? Nobody is forcing us to stay.

Remington Harris
Brandi stares around at her neighbours, wondering how she can face them and the contents of Mortimer’s letter. She is incapable of speech but mutely shakes her head. Alexander takes this as permission to continue.
Alexander: I had forbidden Bella to see Skip and to be certain I had notified Skip’s wife of his infidelity. I knew Brandi would keep her husband in line. Unfortunately, I had not realized how deeply Brandi hated Bella. I am sorry for causing you so much pain, Brandi. If I had known I would have handled matters differently and perhaps Skip would be alive today.
Brandi breaks down weeping uncontrollably. Alexander is at a loss and turns to Remington for guidance.

Brandi Breaks Down
Brandi stares around at her neighbours, wondering how she can face them and the contents of Mortimer’s letter. She is incapable of speech but mutely shakes her head. Alexander takes this as permission to continue.
Alexander: I had forbidden Bella to see Skip and to be certain I had notified Skip’s wife of his infidelity. I knew Brandi would keep her husband in line. Unfortunately, I had not realized how deeply Brandi hated Bella. I am sorry for causing you so much pain, Brandi. If I had known I would have handled matters differently and perhaps Skip would be alive today.
Brandi breaks down weeping uncontrollably. Alexander is at a loss and turns to Remington for guidance.

Brandi Breaks Down
Alexander: I’m sorry for this. Maybe I should stop…
Alexander is interrupted by Brandi’s timid voice. She turns her tear stained face towards Alexander.
Brandi: No don’t stop. It is true I hated Bella and her flirtation with Skip was more than I could bear. I could not touch Bella and so I turned my hatred on Skip. We were… building a new swimming pool at the time. Skip was outside and… and I heard his screams… I felt so much anger… You see… I ignored his cries for help. I thought… I thought it would serve him right if he was hurt. But I didn’t mean him to die. I didn’t…

Brandi Speaks Out
Remington: It’s okay, Brandi. Nobody is blaming you.
Brandi: But I felt terrible and I blamed Bella for everything. I wanted to make her suffer as I had. I even sent her anonymous letters pouring out my anger and loathing. I’m so stupid…
Remington: Brandi. Please – stop punishing yourself. You’ve done nothing wrong.
Brandi wipes away her remaining tears.

Remington reaches out and gathers his wife in his arms, all the time murmuring reassuring words into her ear. Once again, Alexander resumes reading from Mortimer’s letter.
Alexander: Ever since Skip, Bella respected my wishes and kept her liaisons far from home. But she couldn’t resist the young and handsome, Don Lothario. She started spending time alone with him. One evening, I overheard Bella on the phone. She was planning to meet Don by Pleasantview Lake. I was angry and upset and so I followed Bella to the lake.
Nina: So Mortimer was there as well? That’s strange Dina and I only saw Don and Bella that night.

Nina Lothario
Dina: Shush! Let Alexander finish.
Alexander: I kept my distance and watched the pair greet each other on the bridge. The moon was shining brightly that night and I could see everything quite clearly. I saw Bella pass something to Don – I think it was money. They talked a while and then Bella reached up to kiss Don goodbye. That kiss was too much for me. Without thinking, I rushed forward to break them apart. And that was when it happened.

Don Lothario
As Alexander reaches this critical point in the tale, Don groans loudly. Cassandra looks pityingly at Don. She wonders how she ever came close to marrying this man. Not only had he wooed her mother, but also half of Pleasantview. She smiles happily at her husband; Darren Dreamer is nothing like Don Lothario.
As Alexander reaches this critical point in the tale, Don groans loudly. Cassandra looks pityingly at Don. She wonders how she ever came close to marrying this man. Not only had he wooed her mother, but also half of Pleasantview. She smiles happily at her husband; Darren Dreamer is nothing like Don Lothario.

Darren Dreamer
Cassandra notices that Alexander is weeping and she gently takes the letter from her brother’s hands.
Cassandra: Why don’t you take a rest, Alex. I can read the rest.
Cassandra notices that Alexander is weeping and she gently takes the letter from her brother’s hands.
Cassandra: Why don’t you take a rest, Alex. I can read the rest.

Alexander and Cassandra
Alexander surreptitiously wipes away his tears and smiles thankfully at Cassandra. Although he has read the letter many times, it still hurts deeply to think about his father’s pain and his mother’s death.
Cassandra: *Reading from letter* I pulled Bella from Don’s arms but she struggled against me. I had approached from behind and so Bella could not see my face. She must have assumed I was an attacker. Bella snatched herself out of my grip and at that moment a part of the bridge wall gave way. I tripped and grabbed onto Bella to regain my balance. But I only succeeded in pushing Bella closer to the broken wall. I watched as she staggered and eventually plunged into the black water below. I was devastated. I tried jumping in after her but Don prevented me from following. It would have been certain death, nobody could survive that drop. You see – it was my fault.
Alexander surreptitiously wipes away his tears and smiles thankfully at Cassandra. Although he has read the letter many times, it still hurts deeply to think about his father’s pain and his mother’s death.
Cassandra: *Reading from letter* I pulled Bella from Don’s arms but she struggled against me. I had approached from behind and so Bella could not see my face. She must have assumed I was an attacker. Bella snatched herself out of my grip and at that moment a part of the bridge wall gave way. I tripped and grabbed onto Bella to regain my balance. But I only succeeded in pushing Bella closer to the broken wall. I watched as she staggered and eventually plunged into the black water below. I was devastated. I tried jumping in after her but Don prevented me from following. It would have been certain death, nobody could survive that drop. You see – it was my fault.
I, Mortimer Goth, caused Bella to fall into the lake and die.

Cassandra Reads the Letter
Cassandra pauses and gazes around the stunned company.
Cassandra pauses and gazes around the stunned company.
Brandi is still being comforted by Remington. Dina is staring glumly at her sister and Don. The expression on Nina’s face is more difficult to read. Is she angry or relieved? Of course, Nina knew about Don’s love interests but his involvement with Bella Goth is a more complex matter. In truth, Nina is too exhausted to know what to think. She has faced the possibility her husband is a murderer and now discovers he witnessed Bella’s death.

Nina Contemplates the Letter

Nina Contemplates the Letter
The Pleasant family are standing quietly in the corner. Mary-Sue’s mind is far away from Bella Goth. She is eyeing Dina and Bill Caliente. Mary-Sue recently found out about Dina’s new career in the police force and is disturbed by this turn of events. Dina and Bill are two of her most reliable contacts and have performed various “services” on her behalf. Mary-Sue is startled out of her reverie by the sound of her own name. She realizes Cassandra is still reading from Mortimer’s letter.

Cassandra Continues the Letter
Cassandra: So now you all know the truth of the matter. I beg you to indulge me a short time further as I wish to say a few words to my friends and neighbours. Mary-Sue and Daniel Pleasant, please forgive my wife for gossiping about your small “troubles” with the athletics club. Bella told me about the papers she saw at your house but I was not the one who informed the police.
Don squirms guiltily. He had informed the police of the Pleasant’s fraud when they had questioned him about Bella. He had hoped it would distract from their line of questioning. Don and Mortimer had sworn never to talk about the manner of Bella’s death. Both had too much to lose. Mortimer did not wish the world to know he had caused his wife’s death and Don hoped to keep his involvement with his fiancĂ©e’s mother a secret.

Don Lothario
Cassandra: Brandi, I also hope you can forgive Bella and me for causing you so much heartache. I believe Remington is a good man and I pray you can now put the past behind you and find some peace. Cassie, my little girl, I am happy you have found a caring man in Darren Dreamer. I tolerated your engagement to Don because I had little choice; we both had secrets to keep and I had vowed not to interfere with my children’s choices. Nevertheless, you made your father very happy the day you married Darren. Alexander, I have few worries about your future and am proud you will carry on the Goth name. I pray you and Cassie can forgive your parents for behaving so foolishly. Nina and Dina Caliente, what can I say? I apologise for misleading you both and allowing you to suspect Don. You are beautiful girls, if a little meddlesome! I wish you all the best for the future.
Cassandra: So now you all know the truth of the matter. I beg you to indulge me a short time further as I wish to say a few words to my friends and neighbours. Mary-Sue and Daniel Pleasant, please forgive my wife for gossiping about your small “troubles” with the athletics club. Bella told me about the papers she saw at your house but I was not the one who informed the police.
Don squirms guiltily. He had informed the police of the Pleasant’s fraud when they had questioned him about Bella. He had hoped it would distract from their line of questioning. Don and Mortimer had sworn never to talk about the manner of Bella’s death. Both had too much to lose. Mortimer did not wish the world to know he had caused his wife’s death and Don hoped to keep his involvement with his fiancĂ©e’s mother a secret.

Don Lothario
Cassandra: Brandi, I also hope you can forgive Bella and me for causing you so much heartache. I believe Remington is a good man and I pray you can now put the past behind you and find some peace. Cassie, my little girl, I am happy you have found a caring man in Darren Dreamer. I tolerated your engagement to Don because I had little choice; we both had secrets to keep and I had vowed not to interfere with my children’s choices. Nevertheless, you made your father very happy the day you married Darren. Alexander, I have few worries about your future and am proud you will carry on the Goth name. I pray you and Cassie can forgive your parents for behaving so foolishly. Nina and Dina Caliente, what can I say? I apologise for misleading you both and allowing you to suspect Don. You are beautiful girls, if a little meddlesome! I wish you all the best for the future.

Nina and Dina
Cassandra is reaching the end of the letter now. She is exhausted and glad the ordeal is nearly over.
Cassandra: Finally, Don Lothario. You saved my life that night. If you had not stopped me, I would have followed Bella to the bottom of Pleasantview Lake and my children would have lost both parents. So, I find myself in your debt. Perhaps that one good action cancels out the pain you have caused my family. Besides I have many faults and it is not for me to judge another man’s actions. I pray God will forgive us both for what we have done. Goodbye all and God bless.
Cassandra is reaching the end of the letter now. She is exhausted and glad the ordeal is nearly over.
Cassandra: Finally, Don Lothario. You saved my life that night. If you had not stopped me, I would have followed Bella to the bottom of Pleasantview Lake and my children would have lost both parents. So, I find myself in your debt. Perhaps that one good action cancels out the pain you have caused my family. Besides I have many faults and it is not for me to judge another man’s actions. I pray God will forgive us both for what we have done. Goodbye all and God bless.

Cassandra Finishes the Letter
Cassandra sadly lays the letter to one side and reaches out to embrace Alexander. Their neighbours and friends quietly depart, leaving sister and brother to mourn the loss of their parents.

Alexander and Cassandra Embrace
Cassandra sadly lays the letter to one side and reaches out to embrace Alexander. Their neighbours and friends quietly depart, leaving sister and brother to mourn the loss of their parents.

Alexander and Cassandra Embrace
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Wow - never saw this coming. I always felt it was one of the Caliente girls...how they kept pushing others out there.
Hmmm, what new mystery will we get now? :)
Well, I was wrong on all counts, but I knew it wasn't Darren. I thought it was Dina for sure. Oh well, maybe I should've taken the hint from your last prosperity that the perpetrator was dead. Oh well, it was a good run.
I wonder what you've got cooking for us now. I'm excited to know.
No wonder poor old Mortimer went a little batty at the end, with so much on his conscience. I wonder about Brandi, though--now that everyone knows what happened with Skip, I doubt she's going to feel very comfortable in that neighborhood any more. Will you keep playing Pleasantview, just for your own enjoyment, or are you done with them?
I so wanted it to be Darren as a baddie, he's made out to be too nice and nobody is that nice. Afterall Darleen is 1st wife is dead, so maybe he did something to Darleen. Keep going with Pleasetview, I like hearing what people do to the base hoods.
a great end to this mystery. i hope you continue to write mysteries with this hood. if not, at least resolve some of the romantic drama that is surely about to follow.
Hi Everyone - Just to answer the question about continuing this hood. I am definitely carrying on with my Prosperity and have further drama and mystery I plan to play out and blog.
Wonderful twist! I didn't imagine that it was an accident that Morty caused. You are a very talented writer. I look forward to your future mysteries in Pleasantview!
Wow - so Don knew and kept quiet all those years! Can't wait to see what you have in store next for Pleasantview!
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